
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Hair color: Light Blue
Eye color: Blue
Tail Color: Dark Blue with Lime Green fins
Job: Candy Saleswoman
Sexual Preference: Straight
Loves: Candy, Lollipops, seeing Happy faces
Hates: People hating her candy, people crying

    She normally doesn't like talking about her backstory so it won't be mentioned here. But what she doesn't hide is her love for her sweets, even under the sea! She even opened up her own candy store in Aquinous, selling her candy to many other merpeople. Her love of the sweets first came when a crate of candy fell off a shp and she sucked on her first lollipop. Since then, after the merpeople found ways to have food ingredients in the water before the mix in with it, she has tried many, many times to replicate recepies. Her first successful one came after about 4320 tries the first time. Since then, it's been easier and easier to make candy the right way.