
4 years, 1 month ago


Name Geo

Alias Geoffrey Praxidike

Age 23 (~230 earth)

D.o.B. N/A

Gender Cis man

Pronouns He/him

Height 6'9" (nice)

Build Beanpole

Species Irken (Invader Zim)

Role Inquisitor (spy)

Demeanor Insufferable

Aesthetic N/A

Plant Aconite

Gemstone Ametrine


abrasive • easily led • egotistical • scheming

Garbage Man. he rats out dissentors to the empire and gets them arrested. Geo is self-seeking, catty, and obsequious. He loves the Empire's design and fancies himself an excellent enforcer of its rules. The best, in fact! What a prick. 

He and Luc grew up together, and they have hated each other all their lives. He's responsible for Luc's trial (and is quite angry about the fact it was botched), so when he was given an opportunity to track down rebels and escapees, he took it. But he's gotten much more than he bargained for on his trip across the stars. Met with overwhelming hostility, and duped by someone far more clever than he is, it'll be a miracle if he can even bring himself back home in one piece.








Gingerbread jujubes sweet roll. Muffin cheesecake lollipop macaroon gingerbread marshmallow lollipop. Marshmallow pie jujubes sweet cake. Jelly beans marzipan tootsie roll danish chocolate cake cake. Jelly oat cake muffin jujubes. Gingerbread cake caramels marzipan. Icing apple pie lemon drops sweet roll lemon drops cotton candy. Chupa chups muffin cupcake croissant cookie pastry jujubes bear claw. Icing jelly jujubes. Carrot cake jelly tiramisu bonbon marzipan marshmallow tart gummi bears. Soufflé lollipop biscuit cupcake jelly beans chocolate cake chupa chups cake candy canes. Icing icing sweet roll sesame snaps cake topping cupcake. Marzipan pie halvah. Cotton candy marshmallow pastry cake soufflé carrot cake chocolate.


fuckin uhhh. elaborate on this. he got data on who's on Earth, he's feeding it back to his superiors and planning the capture of Luc, Zim, and others. He confronts Luc at their place of work in the hopes of capturing them. They get away and tell their friends, forcing Geo to take even more aggressive action.

New Orders

Overwhelmed by Luc's friends, Geo leaves the his lackeys to notify his superiors and call for backup, but when he gets there, his communications are severely limited. He gets a very short distress message out before all the ship's systems go on the fritz, and he hears someone else inside. He expects it to be the juggernaut who stowed away on his ship, but it's someone unfamiliar. He looks human, albeit tall, and claims to have very ambitious plans. Plans that first need a test subject, and Geo is a prime candidate. Geo tries to escape, but can't before the man's disguise fades and he reaches for Geo's PAK with a mechanical arm. He can't remember anything after that.

  • "Inquisitors" are basically the Irken equivalent of the FBI. They field reports of internal threats, taking charge of the investigation, arrest, and conviction of defectors and defectives. this is 100% shit i made up and not actual invader zim canon in the slightest so don't even worry about it.
  • Alternative theme, and the theme of the second half of his arc, is "New Invention" by IDKHOW
  • He sounds like The Penguin from Batman the Animated Series.
  • He was the one to pursue his own sibling Luc's case of defectiveness.
  • Due to his relatively high rank, he has a set of holo-wings in lieu of the more standard spider legs in his PAK. They're styled after albatross wings, not that he knows what that is.

Geo has had little interest in Luc for his entire life, and what interest he does have is in contempt. He resents Luc and sees them as both obstacle to his success and an easy target for facilitating his upward mobility. No that doesn't make sense. No he does not care.


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