Fergus O'Hannigan (Fearghas [WPG])



3 years, 1 month ago


"If you play bagpipes as I walk by one more fucking time, I will incinerate you!"

Name Fergus (Fearghas)
Race Dragon (western)
Age 999
Gender Male
Height 195cm / 6ft5, 300cm / 9ft10
Occupation Security

Grumpy ✦ Loyal ✦ Prideful✦ tAgrressive ✦ Headstrong

Fergus is a tough personality to deal with. He’s grumpy and headstrong, not one to back down from any situation even if he knows he’s in the wrong. He has aged like a fine vinegar, becoming more and more bitter with age, every century making him less tolerating of the shenanigans of those around him. He’s easily annoyed and quick to turn to aggression, though he barks more than he bites… but don’t think he won’t bite if you happen to cross that line.

With all that said, Fergus craves for people to like and care for him, but he’s absolutely unable to voice that want out loud. People just have to guess, somehow. He’s loyal to a default and once he gets attached, he’s there for life. While impossible to guess on the surface, he’s actually much more sensitive than the tough act he puts up for others, and he carries his heart on his sleeve.

I, the undersigned, hereby agree to follow the charter of walpurgis and all rules therein:




Area of Expertise

W The dude’s a dragon. What more do you need me to say? In all seriousness though, Fergus is utterly incapable of magic in the sense of casting it. He’s just a naturally magical creature as far as being a dragon goes. Fergus is big, very strong, he flies and can breathe fire. That’s about the extent of his natural skills. However, there is one thing - he has a small carving on his body that allows him to take the form of a human. It was given to him by a witch a long, long time ago. .


Breathing fire: Fergus can breathe fire like most traditional western dragons.. At least when he has enough fuel for it. Oftentimes a long breath of fire ends in a coughing fit for him.

Flight: Though his flight is a bit wobbly, when there’s enough space for it, Fergus can fly pretty well. He’s about as graceful as a seagull but his body type was made for long flights rather than anything that requires precision and skills. Don’t ask him to do a somersault.

Strong and durable: While in dragon form, Fergus is big, he has massive claws, tough scales and the bite force of a real big crocodile. That’s pretty good for fighting, I’d say. There’s a reason why people in the Middle Ages feared him.

Heat resistance: Fire cannot kill a dragon, as they say! Fergus is for all intents and purposes immune to any fire damage.

Human form: Thanks to the friendliness of a witch long ago, Fergus has a small carving embedded on his scales that allows him to change to a human form. While incapable of the full strength of a dragon and feats like breathing fire and flight, his human form is heat resistant very strong for its size.


Bull in a china shop: While in his natural dragon form, Fergus is about as graceful as bull in a china shop. He has no hand dexterity, and doing anything that requires precision is literally impossible for him. Don’t let him near anything fragile.

Tiresome form: Being a dragon is very taxing. You have to eat a lot to keep up the metabolism, even more so if you’re being active. As a side effect of this, most dragons hibernate for long periods of time to conserve energy when they deem the situation safe enough. Being in human form simply conserves energy so it’s preferred among those who can use it.

Old wounds: Fergus’ right eye is blind. He has trouble judging distances, and this is made even worse by how clumsy his dragon form is. Flying in confined spaces is especially troublesome, if not straight up dangerous.

Magical idiot: Fergus has zero knowledge of magic and he cannot cast any spells. He couldn’t even shapeshift if it weren’t for the help of a witch.


Some magic practitioners have a Familiar they have tied to themselves. Describe yours! What kind of creature are they? What skills do they posses? What do they contribute to your character's magic abilities?


Personal Lore



Fergus was born in the 1000s, settling in the moors of Scotland to maintain his own hoard and lair. As he and his hoard grew over the next three centuries, Fergus noticed himself a target of unwanted human attention. Eventually he got tired of being constantly annoyed by wannabe Beowulfs, and with the help of a witch left Scotland to travel unnoticed in human society. He travelled far and wide, but in all places noticed the same thing - humans were everywhere and couldn't be avoided. Eventually in the 1500s made a decision to leave for the Americas on a boat, and there he settled in an area near modern day Walpurgis. He fell asleep on his hoard, and only woke up in the 1800s to find a town had sprung up in the valley below. When he came to investigate, he noticed himself roped in on the town life, signed a charter and began to work for the town security.

Early Life

Fergus’ start in life was rather nonchalant. The moment he hatched, he began to roam Europe in search of a territory and lair for himself. He quickly settled in what is modern day Scotland, an area that at the time didn’t have many dragons to compete for space and prey. He took residence in a place known as Bone Cave in the middle of… well, the middle of fucking nowhere. But it was a good spot. Humans were close enough to provide sustenance but not close enough to be a threat, and the cave was nice and roomy and provided a good place to hide his hoard (at the time consisting of two golden cups and a small pile of coins).

Over the following century as he and his hoard grew, Fergus’ existence became known more widely to the humans in the area. Most learned to fear him - as humans should, in his opinion - as he stole their cattle and occasionally snatched some unwary human to snack on. Some even went as far as offering him treasure tribute to stop him from attacking their settlements, which Fergus found both funny and respectful enough to abide by. Tales spread all over Scotland and England of the terrible dragon of the Bone Cave. Fergus didn’t mind. Let humans have their funny little tales. Maybe it would make them bring in more tributes?

Or well, he didn’t mind until people started trying to slay him. Bugger.

At first it was a once in a decade deal. Some fool would come to him, give a speech about something or other, and then run into his waiting claws like a headless chicken. No doubt they were trying to steal his hoard. It was easy enough getting rid of them. After all, it was the 1200s. What would humans do, tickle him with a sword? Don’t make him laugh! One breath of fire and Fergus had himself some smoked human.

But then it got more and more frequent. Soon Fergus came to notice himself without any peace of mind. Humans had started to bond together against him, too, and though at first the idea of a random knight running at him like an idiot was funny, a whole town's worth of people… well, considerably less so. The problem was aggravated by him growing more and more, seeing that dragons grow until their 5th century. Growing more meant needing more food. Needing more food meant attracting more human ire.

(Bagpipes play as Fergus leaves Scotland)

Thankfully, in the 1300s the plague came and offered Fergus with some peace of mind. Humans had something else to worry about than a dragon, now. But even at the tender age of 300, he knew that humans would bounce back and come back to bother him sooner or later....

A very unexpected solution offered itself… or well, herself to him. A young witch fleeing from human ire found herself seeking shelter in his lair. It wasn’t uncommon for a witch, or just any poor human for that matter, to be blamed for the plague and being chased off and killed. Despite his hermit lifestyle, Fergus knew as much. He was at first suspicious and unwilling to let her stay, but the witch, named Lucrais, offered help in exchange for help. If Fergus would shield her from the humans, she would give him a gift in return. Fergus scoffed - what could a creature so small and threatened by humans give him?

Freedom of passage, she replied.

As a gift for shielding her and keeping her safe in his lair for three months, Lucrais, as promised, gave Fergus a magical gift in return. A spell etched into his scales that allowed him to take a human form, and a sack that could fit as much treasure in it as he could wish to carry. This way he could move himself and the contents of his lair freely without being bothered by humans.

Fergus left Scotland to travel Europe in the 1400s. He visited everywhere he could - Germany, Italy, and France, to name a few - and picked up all the human knowledge and habits and skills that intrigued him… But all places, he noticed, were populated by humans, even despite the ravages of the Black Death. He could pass among them, sure, and he could entertain himself by pretending to be a human, but he couldn’t really be a dragon anywhere.

It didn’t take long for Fergus to crave to be himself again. So, in late 1497, he enlisted into the crew of one John Cabot on an expedition to the Americas. As soon as they landed in Newfoundland, Fergus conveniently disappeared, shifted back into his true form and flew on his merry way down south, all the way to...

Moving to Walpurgis

… near modern day Walpurgis. Fergus arrived at the mountains surrounding the valley, found himself and his treasure a nice little cave, and fell asleep for the next three hundred years. Guess all the need for hibernation finally caught up to him.

When Fergus finally woke up in the early 1800s, he noticed that a settlement had appeared in the nearby valley. How odd. Had humans made it all the way here? Of course he would have to investigate! Would they pose a threat to him and his treasure?!

The next thing he knew was he had signed some sort of weird charter. Well, according to the young man calling himself Olwin, it would make sure nobody would steal his treasure, so maybe that was alright. Besides, after having slept for 300 years it was nice to have something going on. Fergus had never really been in close contact with the rest of the magical world, and the thought intrigued him.

Present Day

After two (technically five) centuries of living in Walpurgis, Fergus is one of the older residents in the area. He lives in his cave in the mountains near the motel, but on insistence of some local residents he has furnished it to have more than just a pile of treasure in it.

Fergus works for the town security. After all, it’s not a bad idea to have a flying flamethrower on the team. He is a bit of a grump and keeps telling people he’s going to retire, but the first time he did that was a hundred years ago and the whole thing is starting to wear thin.

Race Lore

Dragons come in as many shapes and forms as there are cultures around the world, but the type of dragon Fergus is is probably one of the most common - the western dragon often seen in both medieval legends and modern day depictions. Though many a western dragons protest the modern depictions, they are funnily enough very apt for the most parts. Western dragons are often prone to hoarding treasures and their voracious appetites made them terrorize human settlements until civilization’s development forced them into hiding.

Most western dragons have an elemental affinity of some sort, have a capability for flight, and are both strong and durable. While some Western dragons form communities with each other out of necessity or preference, many western dragons are territorial and live alone. A female lays its eggs and when the hatchlings hatch they quickly leave the nest to hunt and find their own territories and treasure hoards.

As the dragons age, they gain more wisdom and intelligence. Western dragons can live for well over several millennia, and they have extremely good memories. Because of their size and appetite they are prone to hibernating for long periods of time which can often lead to very awkward situations when a dragon finds itself in the middle of a land development area.






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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


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Item Name

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Item Name

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