Ysenna Ellisannea's Comments

Oh lordy love <3 Her and Gaius are such a stunning and beautiful couple <3

Oh gosh thank you so much!! That really means a lot to hear, you're so kind! <3

Did you design Ysenna's outfit btw .o.?

I did! I usually have a lot of inspo outfits that I look at to catch a certain "vibe" for detailed outits. So it's really a whole buncha mishmash of elements from other cleric-y and nun-ish outfit designs (especially from video games, over-the-top fantasy in games is always so good), most outfits I can muster just out of nothing but for extra detailed ones I usually comb through like a hundred inspo pictures before I can figure out what i'm even gunna do lmao.

I followed you on twitter and hope I can commission you at some point! Your style is right up my ally!

You’re too kind! Thank you so much, I hope to keep making art you enjoy~!