Mochizuki Ouji



4 years, 1 month ago


"PINK is a MANLY color!"


  Basic Info   


Name: Mochizuki Ouji

Americanized Name: Prince Regulus Lewis

Nickame: Oji, Reggie (By his parents), Reg (by his friends in the US)

Gender: Male

Year: First

Age: 16

Birthday: Aug 15

Nationality: Japanese 

Citizenship: Japanese / American 

Height: 178.5cm (5'10")

Weight: 67kg (148lbs)

Voice: Low, sultry voice when rapping yet melodic when singing. 

Voice Claim: Leedo of Oneus when rapping and talking normally -…

                    Henry Lau when singing and feeling excited -…  

Speciality: Dancing



  Nice guy

Manners Makes a Man, that’s one of the few teachings his mom taught him and he makes sure to live by it. He is taught to act like a gentleman to all people he wants to get along with. He would make an effort to be kind to the people he met. Sometimes too kind that, in his past, some people had taken advantage of this personality of his to the point of bullying him. 


Due to his past being bullied by his classmates in the States. He had a hard time communicating with others to the point that he can only utter one or two words due to the harshness of the harassment he experienced during Middle School. The bullying made him lose his trust in the people around him for a moment until both his mothers tried to help him get through that issue.  

  VEEERY  Sociable 

Even though Ouji is hard up on talking, he still wishes to have many friends because he dislikes being left alone and feeling lonely. He makes an effort to communicate with others even without the use of his voice. Be it dancing or with the use of his trusty phone. But if he really comes to like you as a friend, you’ll probably hear one or two words out from him.     


Ouji is the kind of guy that has his head up in the clouds where he would think of various things like anime, a new dance choreography or the idols he wants to give his support. This was an acquired habit of his from his Middle School days.


He once liked singing. Music was and is his passion since that was what he believed that saved him from all the bullies. Ouji is a little regretful that he can't sing in front of an audience but nonetheless, he strives to push through with other means like dancing and playing the instruments. For now, his goal is to hopefully become a famous dance choreographer who will support a famous idol.   



+ Music

+ Food 


+ Friends 

+ Both his mothers

+ Anime and Manga


-  Disrespectful Fans - he will ends them +,+ 

- Two faced People 

- Bullies 

- R18 stuff- he’s a minor!!! 

- Being lonely 




 His Parent's Love Story  



Ouji was born in Okinawa. His mother’s name was Mochizuki Himiko, a language professor who also works as Cultural Ambassador between the Japanese government and American military soldiers. Ouji didn’t know his biological father apart from the things his mother told him. That being said, Himiko raised Ouji all by herself until at the age of 3 when an American marine sergeant by the name of Quinn Lewis came to Japan for work. To Quinn, it was love at first sight however to Himiko, a young single mother, she couldn't afford to divide her time with something other than Ouji. Not dismayed at all, Quinn still pursued Himiko with the addition of taking care of Ouji like her own son. This made Himiko see Quinn in a new light and slowly but surely fall in love with her. Himiko even dropped her citizenship as a Japanese in order to marry Quinn after deciding to move to Hawaii with Oji for a better life. Ouji acquired dual citizenship and gained an American name after his parent’s wedding, Prince Regulus Lewis. 

 His Childhood 


After migrating to Hawaii, Ouji had a little trouble adapting with his new environment. The culture was different and so was how people perceived him however, that didn’t matter much at first since his new mom, Quinn, helped him adapt by letting him attend some music lessons along with the other locals. He liked going and attending the lessons. In those lessons, he discovered his talent in singing and dancing that even the instructors praised him for it. Seeing this, his classmates clearly didn’t like what happened, thus he was chosen to be picked on. 

At first Ouji thought that they were just playing harmlessly but it got to the point that they were degrading his name along with harming him that his instructors had to report it to his mothers. Worried about their son, even though he insisted that he was fine, Quinn insisted to take him along with her classes whenever she’s assigned to train new cadets. Not really understanding both of his mother's worries, life goes on for the family of three. Ouji learned some military martial arts to defend himself but Quinn emphasized that was to only be used during an emergency. 

During his Middle School days Ouji was still not spared from all the bullying. Not wanting to make his mothers worry more, he decided to keep all the bullying all to himself. Singing as being one of the things that takes his mind off, is made into a target of ridicule that makes him lose his confidence and trust in people… and ultimately his voice. Ouji was depressed for a long time but Music saved him throughout Middle School by letting him know that singing wasn’t the only thing he had… He also has dancing and with a new fondness and motivation, he started practicing dancing once more .    

Seeing the state of their child, Quinn and Himiko decided it was for the best that their family move back to Japan. Even though Ouji wants to prove himself to be a strong person, both of the mothers agreed that they should put what’s best for Ouji and let him heal on his own. After Ouji’s graduation in Middle School, Quinn immediately applied to be stationed back there and as soon as they landed in Japan, Himiko also applied for her old job.   

 Enrollment to SRA  


After migrating, Ouji and his parents stayed in the Okinawa American military base camp for a little while. However after some time mulling over it, Ouji finally talked it over with his parents about what he wants to do, which is dancing but is also afraid that like with his singing talent, his dancing capabilities can be taken away from him. Himiko and Quinn readily accepted his decision and even suggested enrolling him in SRA, an idol school where he can learn dancing, acting, modeling and even singing again. Only problem was, Ouji had to live away from his parents during his schooling which he understands completely. 

While using his Japanese name for the first time in a while, Ouji flew to Kamakura, Tokyo to enroll himself in SRA and fulfill his dreams in becoming a famous choreographer.                     




 Relationship tracker  




1st Mother: Mochizuki Himiko - Ouji’s biological mother, can speak Korean, Japanese, Chinese, a bit of Thai and English due to her work as a Cultural Ambassador. She taught Ouji Korean, Japanese and a bit of Chinese during their stay in the US. The cook among the three. Her Americanized name is Himiko Lewis and due to her forfeiting her Japanese citizenship and by Japanese law, she is considered a visitor whenever she leaves the US military base camp.  

2nd Mother: Quinn Lewis - Ouji’s 2nd mother who is part of the American Military Marine. She taught Ouji how to be self-disciplined but at the same time carefree. Can only rely on take out. Born and raised in America.

Biological Father: Hideyoshi Kurogawa- Ouji's biological father. He was once a great method actor who made a name for himself in doing villain roles. However, one job made Hideyoshi took it a little too far and thus made his career as an actor more difficult that it came to the point he decided to leave Ouji and Himiko to pursue his acting career, albeit still unsuccessful. Ouji hates Hideyoshi even if Hideyoshi insists Ouji got his talent in acting from him.  




- Indifferent - Acquaintances   - Friends - BestFriends   - Avoid

Akane Fumen - My very first friend. I cherish her. I'll do anything for her

Takaoki MayuHe's a funny guy. I always have fun when I hang out with him. If I have a brother, I wish it would be him

 Vesta Applegate - She seems to know Ne, she's nice would like to get to know her more

 Zaveri, Bernadette -  a friend of Ne, can I call on her if I need to exorcise something?

 Fayre, King - I wish I have an older brother like him

Oshiro Rin - very cool senpai!

Cain Blackmy roommate, he seems to like black a lot

Aimoto Takara - She's a scary teacher. Scarier than the men in the military where my mom works.

 Ajeng Wangsadinata - She's a pen pal I recently made who also loves anime. I want to get to know her more.

 Palakiko, Waiola - She's so energetic, fun and she even calls me Prince which is my American name 0,0

Asano, Akane - I saw her once when I was out looking for a part time job, she's funny and unique! I would like to get to know her more



 Additional Info  

  1. He especially likes the color PINK
  2. His natural hair color is black but he dyed it blonde since Quinn’s hair is blonde. He did it because he wants to let everyone know that Quinn is his mother. He sometimes dyes it back to black as a special occasion for Himiko. 
  3. He likes watching anime and manga. Would oftentimes try to reenact an anime out of sheer curiosity. 
  4. Generally a nice boy. All he cares about right now is Food, Music and making great Friends. 
  5. He dislikes feeling lonely. It’s the first time he’s away from his parents and he is afraid that something like what happened during Middle school will happen again. 
  6. Knows how to read and talk in Japanese, Korean, and English. He also knows a bit of Chinese due to his biological mother teaching him from an early age. 
  7. Knows self defense but chooses not engage due to his 2nd mother warning him to only use it in a do or die situation. 
  8. Is a scaredy cat