


4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Aloka

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Is not sure.



Fun facts:

Backstory: Aloka was born in Blackout, the planet of shadows. In his first year of life, he was lovingly cared for by his parents. Unfortunately, due to economic problems and the fact that his parents were wanted, his mother had to leave him at an orphanage. However, before leaving him, she gave him four accompanying eyes, which would defend him and teach him things from time to time. So, he spent the next 8 years in the orphanage, cared for by the shadows there and interacting with other kids. Despite not having his parents, he was happy. He always watched the epic battles of the RHG on television. His favorite RHG was undoubtedly Mar. He loved watching that 'Explosive Boy,' as he called him, although he was also fascinated by Ada and One.

The orphanage he was in was not an ordinary one; they trained the children, or if they didn't have powers, they gave them shadow powers which grew stronger over time. Aloka trained with his eyes and realized that they shot rays, wind bursts, generate shields, and could levitate objects at Aloka's will. When he was 7 years old, a group known as 'The Watchers' accidentally entered the orphanage while facing a hero known as ParaShock. Upon entering and seeing the children, they decided to take them hostage. Aloka was sleeping at that moment, and it wasn't until he woke up to go to the bathroom that he noticed cracks. He decided to investigate and saw the group of villains hurting the children while ParaShock was unconscious.

Aloka, thanks to his eyes, became invisible with them and, in a somewhat abrupt manner, took ParaShock to his room to wake him up. Once ParaShock woke up, Aloka asked him what was going on, so ParaShock explained that it was a team of his own villains who wanted to kill him. Aloka didn't want to leave him alone, and ParaShock didn't want Aloka to help him because he is a child. In the end, they worked together; ParaShock distracted the villains while Aloka freed the children and the orphanage employees, who evacuated the children and called the army without hesitation. Once the hostages were no longer there, Aloka went to help ParaShock. Aloka had difficulties fighting but managed to knock out one villain, and ParaShock helped him defeat the others. They defeated them, and the villains ended up being arrested. Obviously, they congratulated ParaShock and Aloka. However, hours later, Aloka was given a black medal, the most difficult to obtain, called the 'Orphanage Hero' medal. Aloka still keeps it today as his prize, an achievement that significantly boosts his spirits when he remembers it.

After such an intense day, Aloka was more motivated to train. More years passed, and in 2017, there was an excursion to the Dark Cliffs. It was common to take all the children out for a walk from that orphanage so they had to be inside the orphanage all the time. The tour was excellent, especially seeing those black mountains and knowing that many battles against the celestials, who are the enemies of the shadows took place there. When they were about to return to the vehicle that would take them to the orphanage, a group of people who had climbed for pure fun were about to fall from a tree. So, Aloka arrived when they started falling and levitated them in time to then lower them. He was gaining more recognition, and therefore, in the neighborhood where Aloka's orphanage was, he was the hero of the area.

There was a time of tranquility. Even though he was not yet adopted, Aloka continued training. Until the Silent infection began. The orphanage became a safe zone guarded by soldiers from The Eye and soldiers from the king. Aloka insisted to the head of the orphanage to go out and save citizens from the infection. After so much insistence, she accepted but told him to be careful. While she trusted him, she was worried about his integrity because he was still a child.

One day, Aloka didn't return. Unfortunately, he was infected with a parasite. He didn't know what he was doing and had no control over the parasite. He saw what he was doing but couldn't speak or move. He reached a base on a rooftop and attacked Said. Said defeated him, destroying Aloka's parasite. The soldiers of the king told Said about him being a parentless child. Aloka fulfilled one of his biggest dreams, finally being adopted. Later that day, he went to Said's house and met Wasure, a shadow vampire child. It was great that Aloka now had a brother. Aloka, despite the infection, went secretly to his orphanage to apologize. He told the boss of the orphanage that he was now adopted by Said. The boss, upon hearing that, smiled. She already knew who he was, so she let Aloka pack his things. But the she told him that one of these days he should come with Said to sign some papers so that he would officially be his son. So now, after the infection that hit Venus City, Said signed the papers, adopting this child.