The Rave Demon



The Rave Demon
Race: Lywinn and Half Jellbian
Gender: Male???
Sexuality: Unknown
Role in Society: Daredevil Psychopath who murders and installs fear. 

Background: A lywinn who was always mistaken as an Amibian due to his black-colored skin. Not just for his looks but also his rebellious, chaotic personality. Outcasted from his society. His destructive chaotic nature turning him into a the Rave Demon. Get rid of his old plain black arms for some Jellbian ones. Replacing them one at a time. Painful but to him was but a mere cut, laughing in the face as pain. Giving himself green neon horns. Replacing parts of his body. Eating to many glow sticks turned his tongue pink and inside's neon. Bleeds neon now. Always testing how far he can really go before enough is enough. A demon who installs fear into others while being a chaotic dumbass glowstick man.