


4 years, 2 months ago


Name: Rose

Personality: Sweet, caring, always ready to help someone in need, has a funny side but is careful not to make too many jokes around the HiveWing parents.

she lives in Mantis hive. (aka, the 'smart hive')

Backstory: Was an obedient child in school but always question why the HiveWings controlled the SilkWings. Ended up becoming a babysitter due to her personality. She takes care of two HiveWing twins that she adores dearly. Their parents also treat Rose with great respect due to the fact that she takes excellent care of their kids.

Rose is quiet and well mannered, but tends to be outspoken when she knows no hivewings are listening. She always wondered why silkwings were considered the 'weaker' of the two tribes, and why hivewings controlled them. She is nervous that the hivewings will one day find out her views, so usually keeps them to herself. Rose has a job looking after two young hivewing twins, who she loves dearly. Their parents appreciate her a lot, and give her favours most hivewings wouldn't.


  • her sister (camellia)
  • the hivewing twins she babysits

dislikes: her sister causing trouble (which she does often)