


4 years, 1 month ago


Age: 19
Pronouns: She/Her
RO: Lesbian

Ruby is an Inkling who tries a bit too hard. She feels the need to prove herself to others and show that she's tough and efficient. She's stubborn and strong-willed, but can also overwork herself too much sometimes. She's a pretty serious person and is hard to get a smile out of, only being seen by those she cares about... albeit such an amount being not too many. Like at all. At least she's not mean.

Ruby is fascinated by Octoling culture and their history. She's unsure as to why exactly, but she always finds herself drawn in when it comes to reading or listening or the sort about Octolings. She's even dating an Octoling! Whom she is not just because of the fact that she's an Octoling, there's more than that to her. Ruby doesn't like to express it much and only does it in a subtle way, but she likes to try to look cute. She likes to define her eyelashes a little bit and loves her cute hairpin. She likes to show a bit of a 'cool' side to her too, though.

Ruby spends a majority of her time taking part in Turf Wars. It's where the part of feeling the need to prove herself comes in. While she wants to be as skilled as she can, she's intimidated by Ranked Battles and hasn't stepped a foot in them. At least not yet, maybe. She mains the Slosher Deco and absolutely refuses to even try anything else. She's been trying to take Turf Wars more lightly though and recognize the fun in them with the help of Marianna.

Ruby has a girlfriend, who is in fact Marianna. The two connect, being fascinated by each other's species and culture, along with certain other interests. Ruby also knows Marianna's sister, Arya, and could consider her a friend.