


4 years, 1 month ago


Age: 20
Pronouns: He/Him
RO: AroAce

"It's best not to ask for my opinion."

Berchster is a very loyal Grizzco employee with a constant 99 Profreshional ranking. He took up doing work for Grizzco the moment he found out about it. He has become skilled using just about all of the range of weapons and very much enjoys the Grizzco specific weapons when they're in rotation. Berchster also loves the gear that you get from Salmon Run, always wearing outfits that are almost exclusive to the kind of gear it provides.

Berchster doesn't like Salmonids very much and can show to be rather apathetic to them at times, though him expressing his thoughts towards the species as a whole isn't a common thing to witness. He's also been 'rebellious' sometimes, secretly taking a golden egg or two to have for himself as some sort of "trophies" at home. Mr. Grizz does not know about this. Don't tell him.

Berchster is very attentive and good at remembering things, which is probably something that's helped him get so good at Salmon Run. He also likes jewelry to an extent, especially rings.
He also sometimes takes part in Turf Wars, just for fun if anything. He's normally pretty fluid with the kinds of weapons he uses, but he likes the Aerospray PG the most.