IVS Emanuel Schikaneder



4 years, 1 month ago


IVS Emanuel Schikaneder - "Blondie"

Gender Stallion


Age | Height 14 years

158cm - 15.2hh

Breed 100% European Kelpie

Silver Green Sabino | EE/AA/nZ/SbSb/KK


Blondie  isn't just an extraordinary looking horse, he also is one of a kind  when it comes to his personality. He is an amazingly gentle, willing and  sweet person, especially for a purebred european kelpie. One easily  thinks he actually is delighted to be ridden. He never refuses or gets  bitchy about tasks he is given, but eagerly tries to get his head around  the new things he is show, never losing patience, if they turn out to  be hard to learn. He is also incredibly sociable with other horses,  taking great delight in living in the stallion herd. He gets along great  with the obertaurers, probably because they are just as rustic and  open-minded in nature as he is. His best friend immediately became  Wolferl, the two of them always eating and sleeping next to each other  as well as causing mischief together. Blondie always got some short,  upstanding leaves of seaweed at his tail, because Wolferl keeps nibbling  some off. Blondie never minds, though.
Blondie also loves attention,  big crowds, lots of noise and the busier the better seems to be his  motto altogether. He isn't at all shy to show himself, but seems to be  quite fond of being the center of attention, yet never without getting  into boasting, he just loves entertaining an audience.
Naturally  Blondie loves water, just like Liz. The two of them already looking very  much forward to starting in many water-themed events together.


Blondie has strong, sturdy legs and a medium sized body, he had a broad chest and powerful rear making him a great swimmer as is common for his breed. He was the first european kelpie discovered with such light mane, it's not known if this might have to do with him losing his parents - aka having been abandoned - or not. Alas, he's prooven to reliably pass his mane to his offsprings.


Blondie was found orphaned by the wild european kelpie mare Girlie in the woods around IVS, it's not fully clear what happened to his parents, but they were never found. Girlie raised Blondie, but the colt soon discovered a special interest in the humans as well as the castle of IVS. Girlie encouraged this, also because she knew that once the kelpie stallion, Cavalier, would return like he did every year in autumn, he'd not tolerate another male close to the herd. 

Blondie had become quick friends with Liz already as a foal, them sharing lots of fun adventures in the rivers and lakes, sharing their love for water. So, when he was almost a year old, Blondie moved to the castle and has been staying there ever since, soon becoming the trusted mount of Liz. He still visits Girlie and the kelpies during summer, but knows to stay away when autumn comes. 


DICIPLINE(s): Dressage

RIDER: Elisabeth Holiday

PARENTS: Starter

OFFSPRING: BVS Aldric | ES Die Witwe Ching | HSLG Doris | EH Generalmajor Olivier Mira Armstrong | SSC Peridot Pearl | IVS Die Zauberflöte

STUD: Yes   

LEASE: No   


DESIGN: Original Design








