EH Quickstep



4 years, 1 month ago


MMS Medium Horse Fair
Placed 2nd
White December 2013
Placed 2nd
HaRPG Olympics
Didn't Place
Wedgewoods Relay Endurance Race
Didn't Place
White December 2014
Didn't Place

EH Quickstep - "Quick"

Gender Stallion


Age | Height 18 years

155cm - 15.1hh

Breed 100% Mustang

Palomino Overo | Ee/Aa/nCr/nZ/Oo


Quick  is a very egomanic horse of a horribly ill temper. He is aggressive and  always tries to get what he wants by bullying others. He always thinks  only about himself and as himself as the best and most important person  there is. In his eyes he never could fail in anything he does. He always  acts before he thinks and usually acting in his terms means pushing  others around and especially picking on those weaker than him.
The  only other stallion he respects is Cocaine, yet he will still attack  other male horses, when Cocaine isn't around. He also attacks geldings  violently, if it's male he hates it and wants to fight it off, because  to him he's the only male that's allowed to be around.
He gets along  with mares fine and actually can be quite a gentleman towards them, even  though he also loses his patience at some point and then gets rather  pushy.
How far he'll get with his attitude is still in the stars.

After  the events with Midget and Mordred Quick's attitude slowly started to  change. He still his a strong and hard horse, who likes to play rough,  but he started to no longer meet other males with nothing but  aggression. He began actually getting to know them and since he's not  asocial, he even slowly is starting to develop friendships among the  stallion herd. He still likes to bully the weaker horses, like Sheldon  and Leonard, but won't really hurt them anymore, as well as he learned  to really enjoy the friendly combat among males.
Strangely enough, he isn't scared by Midget or Mordred, but actually developed a true and real respect for them.
He  also is a lot more patient with mares now and will not try forcing them  to anything. He probably never really will be able to handle foals  though, they just annoy him and are scared of his rough ways themselves.


Quick might not be the tallest stallion, but he makes up for it in stamina as well as a very sure footing thanks to his sturdy legs and big hooves. He's got long mane that is a bit prone to tangle, but it adds to his bad-boy-charms, so Heather mostly leaves it as long as it won't get too bad. His coat is thick and gets fluffy in winter. His head might appear a bit big on his body, but he's not sticking to such vain beauty ideals. Quick is a sturdy athlete ready for fast turns as well as steep pathes and overal navigating rough terraine. 


DICIPLINE(s): Endurance | Western

RIDER: Heather Sykes

PARENTS: Starter

OFFSPRING: EH Long Tall Sally | EH Turtle Crazy

STUD: Yes   

LEASE: No   




His rider and favorite human in the whole wide world. He trusts her and protects her as well as he knows she protects him.


He hated them at first - not gonna lie - but now he knows they did what they did to teach him a lesson he needed to learn. He by now is grateful.



