Mitsuaki Okada



4 years, 1 month ago


Mitsuaki Okada

Basic Info
NameMitsuaki Okada

Alias Izanagi/Aki

Birthday October 19th

Age 10

Gender Male

Height 128cm

Hair Color Green

Eye Color Pink

Blood Type O-

Quirk Vegetation

Occupation Middle school student

Affiliation Matsurin Family

Status Alive

Fighting Style Low-Distance






  • Forest
  • Chubby things
  • Gardening
  • Reading/Writing
  • Kamui Woods
  • Takoyaki
  • Beach
  • Insect
  • Loneliness
  • Fire quirk related
  • Endeavor
  • His father
Quirk: Vegetation

His quirk allows him to grow any type of plant on his body, and to grow plants on the ground if he touches it, however if he no longer touches the surface the growth stops. However it can happen to him to take root because it is frequent that plants grow on him without he wants it, in his moments it is enough for him to cut them, only the woods on his skull cannot be removed to him because they are bound to his nervous system he can only plane the ends of them.

  • Ability - Growing Plant
Super Moves
  • Super Move - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Mitsuaki was born on October 19 shortly after midnight, he lived with his mother and older sister in an average apartment in downtown Nagano. He always lived very close to his cousins on his mother's side but he was always close to the Minho and Kori twins with whom he was always in the same schools and even in the same class as well as teachers and students always had to call them by their first names since he shared the same surname. He was a big part of his life sticking to his mother and sister before moving away from her in a strange way which alarmed his elder.

That's how she understood why her brother and her cousin had suddenly changed character, Mitsuaki having suddenly become very mentally fragile and distant, and her cousin having become very irritable and developing a particularly violent hot blood. What's behind it was much sadder, Mitsuaki was being harassed and beaten by older students, and her cousin who had witnessed one of the beatings decided to return the protection that Mitsuaki had always offered him. Upon realizing this Hako became furious and got into a fight with the harassers with his alter ending his little brother's month-long ordeal.

After these events Mitsuaki remained very distant and frightened, having lost his playful and happy character, he had become fragile and crying often are too much reason for trivial reasons. For example if his mother asked him from his room he would go and cry asking forgiveness, saying that he was a bad child.

Then one day their cousins Souta brought home to their uncle two friends of his named Jiro and Inari. Jiro saw the little boy and approached them, wondering how much he looked like himself and his brother. He asked him nicely for his alter and Mitsuaki who was usually very reserved and knew the defendant had felt safe and answered calmly. Jiro was surprised that he is the same alter as his younger brother Inari and waited for Eirin, Mitsuaki and Hako's mother, who refused to say anything. The four children who saw that Eirin had been caught off guard and hiding something Jiro decided to investigate.

A week later the two boys came back with DNA test kits given to them by Ella, a friend whose parents were scientists. He did the Inari test with Mitsuaki and Jiro with Hako. A few days later they came back with the results revealing that all four of them had the same father.

Jiro put his father at the foot of the wall and Hako put his mother at the foot of the wall so they organized a meeting where Genta told Genta that Eirin had been his mistress for years, that Eirin having understood that he was a poor guy who used women to found a powerful offspring had threatened to reveal everything to the press if he came to see her one day while she was pregnant with Mitsuaki. So he cut off all contact. Continuing to cheat on their mothers with other women he didn't get pregnant these times, realizing that it would end up hurting him.

After learning this, Jiro revealed everything to the media, destroying his own reputation but protecting his siblings reputations and protecting their identities for the two younger ones. They then filed a complaint against his father on behalf of his mother for manipulating a disabled person, their mothers being more mentally fragile and unaware of the reality she couldn't realize what was happening to her. Their father was convicted of rape of a non-compliant person, manipulation and embezzlement of money from his agency.

After that Mitsuaki began to get better thanks to his older brother who began to act as his father figure and served to harden him, gradually becoming joyful and confident again. As for Inari, he taught her how to use her powers and how to deal with their almost identical natures.

  • His name, Mitsuaki, literally means autumn glow, Mitsu (glow), Aki (Autumn).
  • Originally he wasn't created to be the hidden brother of Jiro and Inari but because of his design and colors as well as his "quirk" it was obvious that he shouldn't be just strangers and knowing the fickle nature of Genta it was clear that both of them should be his children.
  • He is very intelligent, even more than his elder brother, he has an IQ of 210 exceeding Inari's IQ by 10 points.
  • He didn't want to be a hero in the first place but decided to follow in Jiro's footsteps because of admiration...

Eirin Okada Mother

Mitsuaki is very close to his mother, having lived without knowing who his father was for most of his life he really clung to his only parental figure, his mother.

Mitsuaki has no relationship with his father, when he found out from his half-brother who was their father he hated him for abandoning him and his sister and for being a terrible father to his two half-brothers.

Hako Okada Sister

Mitsuaki is particularly close to his older sister in part because at primary school he was harassed and she defended him by going so far as to fight for him, since then he sees her as his personal hero.

Jiro Matsurin Half-Brother

Mitsuaki has a special relationship with his older brother, he sees him more as a father figure, Jiro has always been very protective of his younger siblings even though he only met Hako and Mitsuaki very late because of their father, he instantly took his role.

Inari Matsurin Half-Brother

Mitsuaki has a complex relationship with Inari compared to Jiro, he finds it harder to consider him as his elder, and since he looks a lot alike him, he sees him more as his equal. So they have a relationship that could be compared to twins because they understood each other perfectly.

Minhō Okada Cousin (Best-Friend)

Mitsuaki has always been very close to Minho as much as a cousin as a friend, they have always been in the same class since kindergarten and so they quickly got closer becoming like brothers, with Kori they form an indestructible fraternal trio. After the bully incident they become even more close.

Kōri Okada Cousin (Best-Friend)

Mitsuaki has, as with Minho, always been very close to Kori, considering him this time more like a little sister to protect because of his physique and difficulty in expressing himself. Kori's character changed when he saw 'Aki being bullied and beaten up by last year student, exchanging their roles. 

Azumi Hashiratani Best-friend

Mitsuaki met Azumi in elementary school, he defended him against stalkers, that's how he started to get stalked in turn, because or thanks to him they became very close and even best friends, that's why Azumi followed him to the same middle school. They have a crush on each other.

Suika ??? Girlfriend

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???? Okada Daugther

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Mimosa Okada Daugther

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