


4 years, 1 month ago



Viviano Sauveterre


early 20s








premier danseur





Viviano Sauveterre

Hmm? Ah, these bandages? Don't worry about it!

The innocent and elegant premier danseur, has gotten a taste of violence. How exhilarating it is, the promise of thrill and bloodshed. It is just as, if not more flamboyant than ballet.

Friendly . Enthusiastic . Trigger-Happy

He has never been one to be subtle, always a lover of flamboyancy and spectacle. Contrary to how one may percieve his work ethic--he's always been serious about his art, after all, it's his family's legacy.

extraversion introversion
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving


  • Ballet(Dancing in General)
  • Fashion
  • Fighting


  • Stagnancy
  • Subtlety
  • Silence


Early Childhood (notes)

Parents were part of different dance troupes, happened to meet at a collaborative show. From French and Italian-inspired places respectively.

Started training in the art of Ballet at an early age, was practically built for it because of his family. Was a bit of a spoiled child as he was the only child. Extremely friendly and open, had almost no sense of stranger danger.

Parents kept him from any public shows as they understood he was a bit of an attention hog. All good things are only good in moderation, not in excess. He has always had trouble with self-control, though he is better now, he was basically a loose cannon in his fledgling days.


Debut (notes)

Once his parents deemed him responsible enough, he was allowed to participate in shows within their dance troupe. Debut was an instant hit, as he was extremely popular for his innocent looks and demeanor. Has an unfortunate streak of being naive and unaware, even to this day.

Pursued education in the arts, though he was by no means shabby at other things. His parents still sought to teach him everyday skills out of worry for his future. He still thanks them to this day for his now self-sufficiency.

Continued ballet, but started trying other forms of dance. Though he did well, none of them felt as comfortable to him as ballet was. Eventually graduated and moved up the ranks in his troupe quickly.


Fight Club (notes)

A short while before he bcame premier danseur, he was accidentally roped into something by a few aquaintences--a illegal fight club. Before he knew it, he was thrown in the ring and had to face an opponent. The spectators expected him to get absolutely folded, but they do say "never fight a dancer" for a reason.

In a surprising turn(though is it really?), he had completely wiped his opponent. Tempering your body since you were old enough to dance does wonders, yes? Unfortunately for the club-goers, they have now awakened a new side this unfortunately naive man. A side that loves violence, a side loves the thrill of danger.

He became a regular at fight clubs afterwards, though he was careful not to go whenever he had a big show soon. The premier danseur should not be blemished, yes? Though if any of his troupe members happen to see his injuries, he can always excuse it with simple accidents. Why would they ever question him? Someone who probably doesn't know, or care what sex is.

Design Notes.

  • Based off a Mute Swan!! Head wings are based off of swan lake head ornaments
    • hair has bits of yellow and black to mimic swan coloring.
    • waist wings are functional but he can't fly(maybe one day).
  • Wardrobe consists of mostly form-fitting and flexible fabrics.
  • Hair is almost always slicked back!
    • Only time hair should be down is when he is not in public
    • Go wild with slicked hair variations!


  • DO NOT call him a goose.
  • Kind of a little brother type, where you want to fuss over him.
  • Despite how popular he is, he has very little in terms of aactual friends.
  • Good boy who listens to his parents.
  • VERY particular about his food(grew up with French/Italian parents, what else?).
  • It's not that he's actually unaware about some things, he just doesn't care enough about it.
  • Lowkey has no sense of fear, if at all.
  • Greatest tangible fear would be the fear losing his legs, its a reality that more plausible than anything else.




Swan Lake - Tchaikovsky