
ughhh so like there is no way i can write her whole story right now that will take waaay too long but once I write a script for my comic ill paste it here


She's not for sale.

here's a summary:

Robinwing is a Maine Coon, Calico mix who had suffered a lot of trauma through her kittenhood. From her mother Dappledrose bringing her to Twolegplace to be with her neglectful father Ghost and her evil kittypet stepmother Cheryl to being left in a fox den. by Cheryl who attempted to get her killed. She was later found by a Riverclan border patrol thanks to her only kittypet friend Worm and she was taken in by Riverclan and raised. as one of their own. The other clanmates thought she smelled like a kittypet, although she never had a collar on her. She befriended a fellow siamese kit called Heatherkit. They later got apprenticed together and got their 'paw names. Heatherpaw had to transfer to Thunderclan. Thunderclan was in dire need of warriors and Hopstar (Hophurdle) was using any excuse to gain more clanmates (Explained in Sage's bio). So they gathered a gang of half clan apprentices and took them into the clan. The other leaders were sceptical and didn't like this idea but Hopstar managed to get away with it. So now Robin was pretty alone in the clan. Sure, there was Sootpaw, Ashpaw and Poppypaw but they weren't ever really friends with her. One night she ended up in The Dark Forest in one of her dreams and started training with a cat named Sage (you can read about him in Sage's bio.) She kept going visiting there ever since, it was somewhat like a vent for her problems. Back to the overworld, she would often meet up with Heatherpaw on Sunningrocks to catch up, the only other way they would see each other were if their clans were both fighting over Sunningrocks.

Okay and uh here's her hitlist (**) bc like I'll go into too much detail if I write more than notes, keep in mind that a bunch of drama and stuff will happen between these parts of the story. I just can't write it all in it'll take too longĀ 

**Dappledrose = Drowned by Robinpa

Robinwing and Heatherfall get their warrior names, Heather moves back to Riverclan


**Ghost = Pushed in front of a moving vehicle

**Cheryl = lured into a fox trapĀ 

Also, she's probably going to get killed by Cheryl's son when she is much older.