The Phantom's Comments

Hey there! I would be HONORED to give them a wonderful home!

The Phantom is a Curse-element user who appears as an antagonist-turned-protagonist in my RPG.

Unlike Death, he collects souls as a hobby, taking pleasure in the fear of others. Fear is the one thing he feeds on, and that alone helps him extract souls from the Living. Once the souls are extracted, he tortures the souls for eternity, and even uses their vessels to his advantage to gain more souls.

Which leads to his one weakness.

If people aren't afraid of him, he isn't able to feed off their soul.

In the Darkness ark, the main team encounters him for the first time in the heart of the forest. He uses illusions to strike fear into the team, causing them to run around the place in horror, one of them almost having their soul extracted.

They flee, but that isn't the last time they see him…

In the Lucifer ark, he reappears after the team beats the second Deadly Sinner palace, messing with their minds that the team is going to kill each other at any moment, striking unease into everyone, until someone brings it up. They say they're not going to kill anyone, but they don't believe each other until the Phantom decrees how they will die and who kills them. They know for a fact then that they wouldn't kill each other in such gruesome manners, that they stand up against the Phantom. Seeing this, the Phantom grows worried, disappearing.

In the Narrator ark, the Phantom strikes one last time, posing as the Dealer (one of the Narrator's henchmen). He comes to the team with a treaty to end all this fighting. However, the team notices that the paper cuts off before the signature, in which they lift it up to reveal that it was a soul contract.

The team slaps the paper out of their paws and pins the "Dealer" to the ground, forcing him out of his façade, revealing that he was truly the Phantom.

"…O, woe be upon I, for this is truly the end of my days-!"

To which he was cut off by the Narrator extracting all the souls he collected to gain more power.

He grew furious with this, soon turning towards the team.

"You know what they say…the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

He joins the team selection soon after.

The Phantom, when in the main team, specializes in Curse magic. Some moves include Eerie Stare, which gives a 75% chance to inflict the status ailment Fear among enemies, and Soul Extract, which has the chance of instantly killing an enemy with the status ailment Fear. He also has a unique move called Reap (which only he and Death have), which drains enemies' HP to heal allies.

And now it's time for…Alone Time, everyone's favorite way to get along with characters they like!

For Phantom, you can indeed start an Alone Time with him the moment he joins your team. He's, of course, a trickster with an edge, so if you try to have wholesome moments with him, he won't be too interested. Trying to scare him, on the other hand (and managing to successfully do so), will have him impressed.

And that is currently what I have for my submission! Thank you so much for your patience! I would be so happy to work on him more, given the opportunity. Hoping for the best, and I hope you have a blessed day! <3

Finished writing! Enjoy! <3

I absolutely love your plan for him ! I'll send transfer to you in a second

I hope you have a great day as well! ^^


Bless you and the days that come after! <3