


4 years, 2 months ago


Snowstar, Leader of Garnetclan

  • ClanGarnetclan
  • RankLeader
  • GenderTom || Male
  • OrientationHomosexual
  • Relationship StatusSingle
Temper(Slow to anger)


  • Strolls through his territory
  • Spending time with his clan-mates
  • His favorite prey is Pimelodella kronei, a type of fish that is part of the cat fish order
  • Making alliances


  • Being backstabbed
  • Remembering his past
  • Bat meats
  • Losing control of his clan

Snowstar is a young, newly picked out leader of Garnetclan. He rose to power after the former leader, Aspenstar chose him as deputy before the leader had vanished and was presumed dead, Starclan had approved and gave him his nine lives. He is haunted by his past traumas that happen to be linked with the past leader of Alexandriteclan, Lionstar. Currently, he is plotting to take over the Mushroom caverns for Garnetclan due to them losing some areas due to a rock slide.


Art made by Mudleaf

Kit and Apprenticehood

Snowstar, back then known as Snowkit was borned to his parents, Raccoonfrost and Petalshine. Both warriors had a very shaky relationship especially when Snowkit was born, his parents were falling out of love, mostly his father. His father, Raccoonfrost began seeing other she-cats, leaving his mother to grieve and raise 3 young kits. He was born alongside his two littermates, Wrenkit and Swampkit. Both kits were smaller compared to Snowkit, who had such a white prisitine pelt his mother loved dearly, calling him 'Her little Star', when he reached the age of 2 moons, he was finally able to play with his siblings and other kits, he never knew his father, and his mother refused to talk about him, claiming he was a good for nothing tom and that he abadoned them because he only cared for himself. Due to the toxic nature of his mother's feeling towards his father, he began to harbor the same feelings, when they reached 3 moons and were allowed to leave the nursery. He and Swampkit were immediately tussling about, finally able to fully play fight without fear of landing on others. That's when they finally met their father Raccoonfrost who had been watching, he was very impressed with Swampkit due to the tom being able to pin down Snowkit who was bigger and stronger, his father took a liking to Swampkit, ignoring the white ball of fur. Snowkit was angry, how dare this tom come from out of nowhere and finally talk to Swampkit? Especially after what he had done to their poor mother. Snowkit forced his brother to go with him to the nursery, claiming that that wasn't their father and he shouldn't talk to him. Swampkit agreed but it wouldn't be long until the tom would seek out his father to learn more warrior moves. Which made the eldest of the litter despice his brother.

Finally the day had arrive, Snowkit, Swampkit and Wrenkit were 6 moons old, they finally could get their apprentice names and have their mentors. This was the moment, this is their time to prove their worth to the clan. Snowkit, now became Snowpaw and had received Copperwing as his mentor, a stunning, lithe black and brown tabby she-cat with beautiful jewel green eyes that could rival any emerald that could be found in the cave. Snowpaw had already developed a small crush on his mentor that would disappear as time went by. His brother Swampkit, now Swamppaw received Rocksky, a heavy, dull brown tom with dark amber eyes and torn ears. The tom was known to be harsh on his apprentices but they always turned out the best out of all the clans, they were specialized in

Nullam euismod molestie diam, ac tristique quam accumsan quis. Curabitur consectetur, leo ac tincidunt aliquet, enim augue porta odio, sed rutrum tellus nulla eget metus. Mauris ac odio tortor. Maecenas consectetur, quam et sodales fringilla, tortor quam tempus massa, ut ultricies odio sem quis nisl. In eu neque turpis. Praesent erat neque, sagittis vitae egestas commodo, lacinia at turpis. Nullam tempus arcu non risus tincidunt porta. Ut metus leo, blandit et massa ut, aliquam eleifend est. Sed suscipit, dolor sed sagittis varius, magna augue facilisis lorem, et semper augue elit sit amet elit. Morbi purus nibh, fringilla in leo id, tincidunt efficitur velit. Donec in feugiat nunc. Quisque condimentum a nisl finibus congue. Sed id enim libero. Pellentesque dapibus purus sit amet purus tempus, non sodales nisl pretium. Donec gravida ut tellus ac sagittis.

Warrior and Deputyship

Nullam euismod molestie diam, ac tristique quam accumsan quis. Curabitur consectetur, leo ac tincidunt aliquet, enim augue porta odio, sed rutrum tellus nulla eget metus. Mauris ac odio tortor. Maecenas consectetur, quam et sodales fringilla, tortor quam tempus massa, ut ultricies odio sem quis nisl. In eu neque turpis. Praesent erat neque, sagittis vitae egestas commodo, lacinia at turpis. Nullam tempus arcu non risus tincidunt porta. Ut metus leo, blandit et massa ut, aliquam eleifend est. Sed suscipit, dolor sed sagittis varius, magna augue facilisis lorem, et semper augue elit sit amet elit.

Morbi purus nibh, fringilla in leo id, tincidunt efficitur velit. Donec in feugiat nunc. Quisque condimentum a nisl finibus congue. Sed id enim libero. Pellentesque dapibus purus sit amet purus tempus, non sodales nisl pretium. Donec gravida ut tellus ac sagittis.


Cras quam tortor, dignissim eu orci nec, fermentum blandit elit. Nullam feugiat aliquam purus, et cursus mauris ornare ac. Integer quis est in mi hendrerit imperdiet nec nec eros. Maecenas lobortis mollis convallis. Fusce in ligula non metus suscipit semper. Praesent placerat felis eget vestibulum pulvinar. Aliquam malesuada odio id sapien ornare blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam eu sem venenatis erat congue pulvinar. Fusce blandit turpis rutrum lectus porta, quis ornare quam fermentum. Donec vitae sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas gravida elit nec leo dignissim lobortis. Etiam diam turpis, pharetra id consequat non, porttitor at lectus. Nam hendrerit ligula quis tellus ultricies bibendum. Cras iaculis rhoncus orci, at porttitor lorem porta at.


Name Here

Relationship Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in metus in diam euismod suscipit. Curabitur imperdiet in ligula eget tempor. Vestibulum magna orci, placerat feugiat erat quis, pulvinar efficitur quam. Sed sed urna blandit, porttitor quam nec, lobortis diam. Aenean vitae efficitur leo, et auctor ante. Mauris sed maximus nulla.


Name Here

Relationship Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in metus in diam euismod suscipit. Curabitur imperdiet in ligula eget tempor. Vestibulum magna orci, placerat feugiat erat quis, pulvinar efficitur quam. Sed sed urna blandit, porttitor quam nec, lobortis diam. Aenean vitae efficitur leo, et auctor ante. Mauris sed maximus nulla.


Name Here

Relationship Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in metus in diam euismod suscipit. Curabitur imperdiet in ligula eget tempor. Vestibulum magna orci, placerat feugiat erat quis, pulvinar efficitur quam. Sed sed urna blandit, porttitor quam nec, lobortis diam. Aenean vitae efficitur leo, et auctor ante. Mauris sed maximus nulla.

Design Notes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in metus in diam euismod suscipit
  • Curabitur imperdiet in ligula eget tempor
  • Vestibulum magna
  • Creator@Username
  • Designer(s)@Username
  • Obtained byTrade/ Resale/ Gift
  • Total Value$0.00

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