


7 years, 6 months ago


Name: Venus

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Height: 5'6"


Pokemon: Volcarona

Likes: small animals, flowers, sunsets (especially when it is red)

Dislikes: water, food (she hates taking off her mask), the nnighttime


Venus is usually silent and doesn't react to much. She initially speaks with her own reactions despite being very capable of speech. Usually, she will only speak when being spoken to and only shows much emotion when dealing with things she finds cute or enjoyable. She is a natural born knight and will always do what is asked of her almost to a fault. She is extremely obedient and resilient, often not giving up until she's falling over. However, water types frighten her to a point where she will 'play dead' and stand still in place until the water-type has gone away or lost interest in her. When interacting with friends she is able to relate a lot more and is like a big-sister type often patting people's heads and offering real advice.


Long ago in a kingdom far away, Venus was a knight under the royal family. She specifically was a personal guard to a small princess named Chi. The two grew up together and became close friends almost to the point of sisterhood. Venus stood beside her through thick and thin protecting her with her very life even if it cost her her actual life. Once Chi grew older she became slightly rebellious and would openly defy Venus and her parents. Despite all of Venus' efforts Chi was able to escape many times in order to see a boy who her parents and Venus openly were against. One day, Chi escaped Venus' sight once again and eloped with the boy causing shame to fall under the royal family's name. However, instead of Chi being punished, Venus was punished instead. She was forced to be burnt with royal fire upon her face by the king himself because of her lack of responsibility of Chi. She is permanently scarred now and wears her mask in order to hide her shame of disappointing the royal family. Since then she has had her position taken away from her and has been exiled from the kingdom. She now roams aimlessly with no home as the 'burnt-knight'.