this design is so well-made, I can see why you're so tent on them! does anyone here catch your eye for either them or hawk's eye? I can also offer art either as a form of payment or add-on :) 

I don't see anyone sadly that catches my eye for Turquoise but I can definitely take art for Hawk's Eye ^3^

I think for Hawk's Eye, whoever you'd like to draw out of my characters is fine by me ^w^
Two pieces would be fair, doesn't matter sketches or colored and you can decide the style too <333

alrr, would 3-4 pieces work for hawk's eye and sphalerite? it's okay if not, I can do for just hawk's eye :)

Sure 8D
I can do 3-4 for both them, I'll put them on hold for you <333

Take all the time you need by the way and whichever character you want to draw of mine is fine ^3^

alrr! tysmmm! I'll prob start today or tomorrow ^^

You're welcome and whenever you can is fine by me, like I said no rush and they'll stay on hold for as long as you need ^3^