Gwenan Minstral (LORE PROFILE)



3 years, 9 months ago


  • "Nan"

  • Age Around 27 in human age
  • Gender Female
  • Race Drop-zilla
  • Role Mahou Queen
  • Alignment Bisexual


" Believe in your dreams ❤ "

Gwenan is a energetic woman. A little egoist and spoiled. She can feel the lies and when a person is being false, so she tends to never lie, sayign things like "Lies tastes awful".

 She can be really kind and sweet, but a little fool with a childish inocence too. And even though she's not a agressive type, she can fight whenever she thinks it's necessary. 

[B]ad habit:
   - Losing control while angry
   - Don't wanting to make important decisions
   - Being too invasive

[A]dditional Info:

  • She has a good relationship with all the kings besides some things and everyone says that Senka has a Crush on her.
  • She's the strongest King and could prove it defeating one by one in Senka's request.
  • She is a Mahou shoujo Queen! Her attacks are all about roses and hearts.
  • Gwenan has friends she consider treasures, but rarely is able to see them.
  • Rick never said he was her father but for her, he's her father and that's it! She admires him a lot and really love him.



DoB: Winter 12
Origin: Alfheim
Height: 5'0'' ( 1,55 m )
Build: Average
Demeanor: Spoiled but reliable
  • Sweets
  • Plants
  • Native tales
  • Blankets
  • Cruelty
  • Arrogance
  • Lies
  • Don't be able to predict someone/something











She has a strong love, that's fact helped her many times and as a mahou combat with feelings in senka lyle, Gwenan is specially strong. Despite all his lovely side, many kings says that she has a "frozen heart" and that even though she seems to love everybody----no one can really enter in her heart.


Gwenan born initially in a hive of fairies bee where all the new queens who born was dead. With so much pain and despair in that community, a little bee decided to try to save a new queen for, in the future, she save everyone there. The bee went the most far away she could go and them hide that little egg in a old tree in a area where the bees didn't like to go. Unfortunately, the bee was killed by anothers bees before she could care of the egg and that crystalized egg remained there for a long time.

One day, a mercant coming in a ship, arrived in that place. The name of that place was Haneul and was a town near a really big rock and the ocean. In that place was a rumor about a clan of wind's witches that just were seem by those their choose. That mercant was Rick Minstral and searching for a way to talk with the Wind people, he ended up finding the egg in the top of the tree and decided to take care of it.

Rick gave the name "Gwenan"to the fairy who born of the egg because it means "bee" in a old language. They had a lot of adventures together and Gwenan considers him as her Father, using his Last name and following the magic carrer as a mahou shoujo. Her story is interrupt by what they call "nightmare" named "Madness" that catch them in a trap and all the group disapearand and she ends up "swallowed" by the Nothing.


The Nothing or The void is a entity who consumes everything it touches and makes everything disappears. Gwenan had her body destroyed by it, but "Nothing" can't destroy her heart because the ritual that a witch did to protect it. The memories and the strong love that Gwenan has for his dad and her friends helps her to endure the power of Nothing and then she used the Nothing to make a new body, turning a type of entity too, who creates the Drop-zilla species. She looks for the group for the whole world but they aren't there in the old continent. She ends up leaving The old continent(Shaman Shrine) and going to Senka Lyle, There she meets Senka and can helps him to make Senka Lyle grow more.



[ Friend ] They met in a really delicate situation for Nir and with all the story, Nan ends wanting to save him and have him by her side even though to rescue him it's a really dificult mission.



[ Friend ] A witch crow who would help Nan in her adventures on other worlds and realities. Sometimes taking care of the duplicates his Queen left behind in these worlds---other times he can't actually do much about it.


Rick Minstral

[ Father ] Her beloved father. Rick is really kind and smart but a old enemy of him just make him to disapear and find him is a really hard mission too. He has a lot of mysteries around him---but is a really good person.
