Duckpaw(belly) (Forest of Ashes)



[ - - - - g e n e r a l i n f o - - - - ] name: Duckpaw. prefix: Duck, for his pelt and naive behavior. suffix: Paw, apprentice suffix. nickname(s): Ducky, the clumsy one. past names: Duckkit. (Duckbelly). age: 7 moons. [previously updated on 05/03/20] joining age: 7 moons. [05/03/20] gender: Male. pronouns: He/him. biological sex: Male. clan: Cinderclan. heritage: [Cinderclan] x [Cinderclan] rank: Medecine cat apprentice. previous ranks: Kit. [ - - - - a p p e a r a n c e - - - - ] build: Strong, a bit bigger than average apprentice. pelt colors: Creams and shade of brown. fur texture: Soft. eyes: Amber. scars/deformities: None. scent: Some mix between mud and old wood. accessories: None. banned traits: None. [ - - - - p e r s o n a l i t y t r a i t s- - - - ] [ positive ] Empathic || Duckpaw has that super power to sens when people are down, he empatizes a lot with cats that are sick or hurt. Optimistic || He's the best to cheer up cats that are injured in the medecin cat den! He will always find something nice to say or a little joke. [ neutral ] Naive || Duckpaw is quite naive, he doesn't realise when people are making fun of him. Eventually, he'll find out. Attentive || He would never miss something [mentor] would told him, his doing his best at learning herbs and how to treat his clanmate. [ negative ] Clumsy || Paying attention to where his paws go isn't his favorite activity. Often fall or walk on his tail. Impolite || Duckpaw doesn't respect hierarchy like he should, he already got told off for that. He just doesn't pay attention to who he talks to. [ - - - - b i o g r a p h y - - - - ] [ kithood ] [0-6 moons] Duckkit was probably the most clumsy of the whole nursery. He was born some moons after the clans scattered, in fact his litter was one of the first one of the new Cinderclan. Along with his siblings, Duckkit was causing a lot of trouble to his parents. Running around the camp, jumping in mud and then going back in the nursery.. Duckkit wasn't the leader tho, his siblings Pigeonkit was the one leading the trio. Duckkit would often trip over his fluffy tail, making his siblings mock him. Sometimes, Duckkit could be found near the medecin den entrance, starring at [mentor] taking care of his clanmate. [ apprenticeship ] [6-12 moons] When Duckpaw received his apprentice name and join [mentor] in the medecin den, that was one of the best day in his short life. Unfortunatly, being a medecin cat apprentice didn't pleased his siblings, which became distant and cold, still making fun of him. Not really caring about that, Duckpaw is trying his best to become the best medecin cat of the clans. He really enjoy learning and being with [mentor], plants and herbs being a lot more interesting than what he thought. Duckpaw kind of never wanted to become a warrior, knowing he would prefer taking care of his clanmate. He's still known for being quite clumsy and sometimes mistaken an herbs for another one, hopefully [mentor] is always there to help him. [ warriorhood/med cat+] [12+ moons] ??? [ - - - - s e x u a l i t y + r o m a n t i c s - - - - ] sexual orientation: Unknown. romantic orientation: Unknown. mate(s): ??? former mate(s): ??? crush(es): ??? former crush(es): ??? attractions: ??? ??? ??? turn-offs: ??? ??? ??? [ - - - - f a m i l y + r e l a t i o n s - - - - ] father: Lichenfur. mother: Rowanwhisker. sibling(s): Pigeonpaw. Brindlepaw. extended: ??? mentor: ???. past mentor(s): ??? apprentice: ??? past apprentice(s): ??? friends: ??? enemies: ???