Sailor Cancer



9 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Real Name

Angelica ‘Hawke’ Jones



How Many hours logged on DA2



LARPing: Seriously, give this girl a role and she will play it. Mostly it’s with her rampant Dragon Age 2 LARPing sessions with Anders and few others of their totally awesome Club Kirkwall (Kirkballers bitches), (this is not their name but Hawke insists that it should be). Weekends and certain days out from school are spent going to the parks or somebody’s backyard and hours are spent killing ‘darkspawn’. She enjoys beating shit up and playing fantasy make believe. She however, loathes the part where they have to go into long monologues.

‘Armor’ Making: You know all those cool armor bits people up and wear and they actually look like armor? Yeah, Hawke does that. Armed with hammers, her dad’s welding kit, lots of scrap metal from the toolshop class and dumpster dives, combined with a pile of leather harvested from the finest Goodwill donators in town, (and tons of fucking visits to her BFF Anders for all that decorative shit), Hawke spends a lot of her free time (when not LARPing), in her dad’s garage making armor for herself and her LARPing buddies, (and doing repairs). This is where pretty much all her allowance goes until the next DLC is announced.

Fanfiction: Fenris, Sebastian and Varris and Isabella and Alistir and Zevran and Sten ALL THE WAY. OTEverything. Hawke likes to write terrible fanfictions. Again mostly Dragon Age related. She did do Inuyasha for a while. Her favorite pairing was Kouga and Sesshomaru. She will happily let you read it. Just give it 5 stars. And be sure to comment. And don’t tell her parents because she may have written a totally hawt scene in there.


Dependable: She spends week after week after week doing what tends to amount to the same thing. Running around acting like an idiot. While her dependability is easiest to see in her LARPing, she’s just a dependable when it comes to her everyday tasks- such as schoolwork, upholding promises, Hawke starts things and is determined to complete them, better or worse. If she’s stuck on a time crunch she’s going to meet that deadline, doing her best. 110% percent hit the ground running. She hates to fall short or miss things because of whatever reason, and holds herself on a high standard when it comes to being someone you can rely on.

Optimistic: Life got you down? Not for this girl, while she may get picked on or mocked for her odd lifestyle and hobbies and habits, she doesn’t lack in self confidence or optimism. If life sucks it’s just going to get better. It may be the fact she deludes herself time to time in what she considers that there is always a ‘good ending’, Hawke rejects the notion that the glass is half empty. If it rains, catch that water in that glass bitches, then your cup will run-ith over in no time flat!

Outgoing: While Hawke may be weird, she’s also outgoing which…kind of makes the weird parts of her stand out even more. She’s not ashamed of who or what she is. She is who she is and sure, it may not be who you want her to be but it is her. She is ready to move and meet people. She’s the one stepping up first to bat, to raise her hand in class. Not reckless enough to put herself into danger, but she is going to put herself out there, and she’s going to do it smiling.


Anger Issues: She curses, yells, throws tantrums and can and will rage quit the game when something does not go as planned or plans get fucked. She’s got a short tempered fuse when it comes to her and her friends getting harassed, and an even shorter fuse when someone disses things she is passionate about. Like her favorite games, pairings, her dress, the way she talks, walks. While some might call her sensitive she isn’t. She’s more prideful and thinks people talk shit because they are jealous. Jealous of her sheer awesome.

Passive Aggressive: You make Hawke angry? After her initial blow up she’s going to be giving you the stink eye. Writing nasty little comments on your facebook wall. Fake smiles in the hallway, slamming doors, just being a bitch without the upfront confrontation.

Hawke fits in with her small group of friends rather well for the simple reason they tend to share the same wavelength. They get each other’s quirks and habits, but as far as the general populace goes, social normative might as well have been take out back and shot. From laughing at bad jokes, wearing her gear in public, calling herself after a fictional character, Hawke is one to forget not everyone lives in the same fantasy land she does. Her clothes outside of school, her use of acronyms in normal speech, her talking up a storm to random strangers. She’s not the most…typical teenager. She also will play the Edward to your Bella. In other words, she likes to gaze longing at you, (not so much gazing at creepily staring).  


Sailor Cancer, Zodiac of Protection

Attack: Guarding Barrier
Cancer cannot cast this on herself. A bubble appears over the target, which only lasts for a minute and can be dismissed by very strong attacks -- the target can't leave or move out of the bubble, and must stay in place. This can be used on both allies and enemies alike. Inside they can't attack, but they can communicate, bandage wounds, get ready to flee, ect ect.

Solider Attack: Protection Veil
The bubble is now a 'shell' which acts as the bubble did. While it still can't be cast on herself, Cancer can cast this on an ally and it would allow them to fight (same req. for it to be dismissed). However, the person also can't use magic. If they do, it ends up weaker then normal. If enough hits were landed, this shell would vanish faster than a minute.