Atlas Ziela



4 years, 1 month ago


Atlas Ziela
Famous Musician
October 20


Proud • Suave • Confident • Charismatic

Atlas, Valves Springs' King of Rock and love songs. This tiefling was born and raised in the highly technologically advanced oasis of Valve Springs. Upon first glance, Atlas seems like he would be your typical bad boy with his leather jacket, proud smirk and flirtatious attitude, but he is quite the opposite! Atlas is sweet, charasmatic and friendly in nature. He loves to meet new people, especially his adoring fans. People can't help but be drawn to him. Atlas is sexy and he knows it. He is very confident in his looks and abilites. He enjoys flirting and watching people fall under his nature charm although he has no intention of becoming any more than a flirt with them. Atlas is a sweet and caring man, always helping his parents and friends where he can.

Atlas is highly skilled with a guitar and his is an amazing singer. He loves to put on extravagant shows in big cities. He also really enjoys playing music. He is well versed in singing and playing electric, acoustic, and bass guitar. Aside from music, Atlas has a few hobbies he enjoys doing. He enjoys taking walks around the city (usually closer to sundown since the desert is so hot). Atlas also loves to shop and try on clothes. He especially loves it when his lover, Rayna, joins him so he can dress her up too. He has an expensive taste, but his successful music career makes that easy for him. Atlas also enjoys working out (just to stay fit for his lady) and playing video games. One of his favorite hobbies is pampering Rayna and showing her off, but really loves to tease her when they're alone, but it's all out of love.


  • His lover, Rayna
  • Music
  • Big Cities
  • His Hair


  • Cold Weather
  • Bugs
  • Bad Hygiene
  • Haircuts
"Hello, Valve Springs! Let's ROCK!"


In a distant deminsion lies two intertwined, ring shaped planets. The planets are called Decit and Aram. Although connected, the worlds are vastly different from each other. Decit is a land of magic and wonder. People live in a medieval setting with horse drawn carriages, dungeons, dragons and many other magical creatures. Aram is a technolocially advanced planet, devoid of magic. The people live in large cities and ride in flying cars and hover motorcycles. Neither planet knows of the existance of each other.

Atlas was born and raised in the highly techological oasis city of Valve Springs, located in the middle of a desert on Aram. He grew up on the outskirts of Valve Springs with his parents. He was introduced to music pretty early on in kindergarten when his mother gave him a guitar. He was a natural at both singing and playing guitar so he decided that he would master acoustic, electric and bass. In middle school, he met his best friend, Donovan Elendel, and the two became inseperable throughout middle school and high school. Donovan decided he would move to Nyssa City for college, leaving Atlas in Valve Springs, though that didn't damage their friendship at all. In college, Atlas joined a fraternity and quickly became one the of "hottest guys on campus". With his good looks, musical talent and flirtatious personality, it was not uncommon to see people hanging from Atlas's arm. When he had thought he found the girl of his dreams, she deemed him just a playboy and that was the wake up call he needed to put an end to his promiscuous ways and focus more on his musical career.

Around his senior year of college, Atlas and his music found a producer and soon started hitting the charts. People gravitated to Atlas's voice, his skill and his natural charisma. After a year, he started touring and playing in big shows around Aram. Even though he's fairly well known, he still likes to make appearences in bars and play music for open mic nights. On one of those nights, his crimson eyed gaze settled on the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. After meeting Rayna for the first time, he found out that she was a sorceress and that all the fairy tales about magic and monsters were all very true and it all existed on the other ring where she was from. Rayna and her friend explained to him that they wanted to get back to their own ring and Atlas decided to tag along on this journey (mostly because he wanted to get to know Rayna better). Atlas quicky started to fall in love with the sweet, magical fox girl the more he got to know her. As they travelled, he took her on dates and decided that she would be the girl for him. When it was time for Rayna to choose between staying with him or going back to her original home, Atlas was more than overjoyed that she had chosen to spend her life with him. They now live happily with three children and their own record label company; Foxtail Entertainment.


• He has a little beauty mark under the corner of his right eye.

• Despite his brown skin, his tail is white, long and spaded at the end.

• He has a muscular body shape with strong arms and a toned torso.

• He keeps his hair long. It hangs past his shoulders, almost to the middle of his back.

• All four of his canine teeth are pointed.


• He loves children. He loves to play music and interact with them and hopes to have his own someday. (Eventually he and Rayna settle down and have 3 of their own.)

• His long, white tail is prehensile and he can sometimes be seen using it to hold things but he doesn't do it often.

• He has expensive tastes in both food and fasion.

• Atlas is open to trying new things but doesn't go out of his way to try them. It's usually Rayna who coaxes him out of his comfort zone.

• In his freetime, Atlas is an avid gamer and loves to play online games with his best friend, Donovan.

• Although he is known for his singing and playing the guitar, Atlas is surprisingly good at playing the piano as well.



Rayna Khost/Ziela

She is his lover, his precious princess. After many crazy adventures, the ex monster huntress and the world famous rockstar musician how live happily married with 3 children. They also have their own record label; Foxtail Entertainment.


Donovan Elendel

He is Atlas's absolute best friend. They treat each other like brothers. The two of them met in elementary school and they have been inseperable ever since. Although Donovan lives several miles away, the distance never stops these two from hanging out and playing games together.

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