


4 years, 1 month ago


This profile is marked for renewal and will soon be revamped. All information is up to date.



  • NamesakeEntozoic
  • SpeciesWolfdog
  • GenderNonbinary

  • AgeYoung Adult
  • AlignmentLawful Neutral

Entoz'ia is the channel mascot for EidolonEntropy, and also a key character of Duality of a Wolf.
Their main profile is currently being rewritten.

Entoz'ia was born with a condition that inhibited the hemispheres of their brain to communicate with each other, effectively making them a split brained individual. The middle child of the alpha and beta of their pack, they were often looked down upon due to their condition, their mother especially hating them due to their resemblance to their father. The schism in the pack's social fabric resulted in all out civil war, causing the death of their father, the amnesia of their mother, the isolation of the three siblings, and a head injury that opened up the communication in Entoz'ia's brain. They were no longer split brained, but the two halves believed themselves to still be separate, causing dissociative identity disorder.

Eidolon of the left hemisphere and Entropy of the right are the two halves of Entoz'ia. They would go on to lead a pack formed from the remnants of their father's. Eidolon is the dominant personality, performing most of the leaderly duties. Entropy is more recessive, and often acts as incognito for the two.

Their mother never recovered from the battle. Each day that passes, she succumbs further to dementia. Entoz'ia will do everything in their power to protect her.

Entoz'ia posesses the incredibly powerful Antichrist Superstar, a beast of a Stand representing the combined souls of Eidolon and Entropy. When the personalities work together in perfect harmony, the true power of ACSS is unlocked. It is regarded as the most powerful ability in their world.

Once more, with feeling!