
9 years, 2 months ago


Type: Pokemon

Species: Mightyena

Region: N/A

Trainer Type: N/A

Gender: Male

Height: Up to Artist

Age: 19

Hair Color: Up to Artist, (Maybe longer, scruffier?)

Eye Color: Red

Skin Color: Up to Artist, (Maybe darker skinned/tan?)

Other: Up to artist for overall design

Nature: Calm

Ability: Intimidate

Skill Set:
 Ice Fang


 Rational: Even if a situation is rough or demands action, Kujo is not inclined to take risky chances. His thoughts are gathered and from them, he will make choices and preform actions based on logic and his knowledge. If his knowledge is limited, he'll be more cautious in his decision making, or, seek out ways to better inform himself before making a decision. Now in a human form, Kujo's knowledge, while limited, is ever growing, and he's almost always seeking to expand it in order to make good solid decisions based on that knowledge. To not try and learn and expand his understanding well, how would he get anything done then?

 Polite/Formal: From being on the road and then spending a great deal in pokeday care where he would meet a great variety of other pokemon, Kujo learned both from his trainer and on his own how important it was to be respectful and treat others well. Sure, he had a bite, but that other pokemon might be stronger than him, small or not. The idea of jumping the gun or making assumptions is not in Kujo's make up. He might be slightly disinclined to certain poketypes, but he will still treat them with civility and give them proper respect. That is not to say he will forgive and forget actions or always treat others. He gives everyone a genuine formality, it is their actions, words, and treatment that can and will often change the level of formality and civility with Kujo.

 Dependable: Even if he's got something he needs to work on, or a battle he must fight, Kujo won't come up short. He gives his best efforts in all he does because he wants to make a good impression, he is genuine in his desire to aid and assist. In a gym battle you need to be able to depend on your trainer, just as when alone, you need to be able to depend on yourself. Ignoring others in favor of yourself to him isn't a good idea. One day you might be in the same situation. This ties into-

 Kindhearted: Kujo, for all his bite and his formal and courteous self, cares about others. When his trainer adored him, he adored her in return. He loved deeply, and her drifting away while saddening, did not diminish his pack nature. Or his loyalty. He wants others to be able to rely on him and be able to rely on them in return. Stability isn't built without trust. Trust is not built without kindness, especially since trust just doesn't happen overnight. To be kind, polite, and dependable makes a good pack. It makes life easy. It makes life good.

 Easily flustered: Before he had a human body, Kujo was rather solid in his understanding of things. Life was simple in many ways. Now, in a human body, he had to do human like things, interact with humans. Understand human actions on a brand new level that he'd just never had to think about before. Licking cheeks was not polite or a good way to show affection. Growling was also out. Habits he had as a pokemon were rendered invalid. The sudden change has forced him to making mistake despite his efforts to not make them. Since they tend to happen often enough, and without meaning to, Kujo wants to not fumble and offend. The fact it is inevitable provides endless flustered moments, as his world view is ever expanding and adapting to changes.

 Passive Aggressive: He has his virtues, but his passive aggressiveness is a point of contention. This is the ugly head that comes out when someone has used up all of his patience and passed the threshold of his ability to be purely civil and polite. He's not reverting to a reckless, irrational mess, but a very mean spirited ass. This is how he expresses his contempt, annoyance and grievances. As a pokemon he would ignore orders, nap when he was supposed to be fighting. As a human he's adapted this, using some of those lovely human words he picked up, mimicking small annoying quirks like not holding the door open and closing it before you can reach it. Using the last of the ice in the freezer and not making more ice, or maybe just making a face at your cooking.
 It's a learning curve. He knows mean. Honestly. Just...give him a while.

 Busy Body: From once seeing battle regularly to not fighting at all, Kujo is prone to fits of boredom and finding many activities daily dull and repetitive. He likes movement, he likes travel. Sitting still, doing nothing is not an option. He wants to get things done and done right. Being idle too long and he gets prone to fits of depression and feeling dejected and put out. He will try to combat this with work, research, or, random attempts at trying new things. He cannot be lazy. It's not a point of high stress so much as he feels useless with nothing to do. He feels his best and most relaxed when doing and acting on something.

 Ignorant: He's uninformed of a lot of things. Going from one way of viewing the world to another jars his perceptions, and the result is that he is just flat out unknowing. While he does make attempts to better himself, he can end up doing just the opposite, ending up informing himself of the wrong thing, or, ending up more ignorant than before. Self contradictions, bouts of frustration in his lack of understanding, Kujo feels them often. Over time this will give way to prideful, but until then, he's the ever ignorant, misinformed, mightyena.

 Caught as a pup by a young female trainer, the poochyena was named Kujo, despite his lack of ferocity. The trainer herself was young and desiring 'tough but cute' pokemon to aid her in her journey across the world. Kujo hardly minded the time battling for her, but often preferred the times just outside of his pokeball, content to be cared for and not have to hunt and catch his own dinner. His life was easy enough, as he was not his trainers first choice, (that spot reserved for her swablu), but he was still well cared for and well loved.

 That was until a point was reached where like many pokemon, the natural progression of life changed, and the years spent battling and growing catapulted Kujo into evolution, the cute factor his trainer sought lost under the newer more vicious look of his Mightyena form. Even though his nature had not changed, his trainer was less inclined to calling him forth, occasionally sending him away into poke daycare while she traveled, picking him up only for certain battles or events.

 True, he had grown up with his trainer, loved and adored her in the way many pokemon did, but Kujo grew disenchanted with life. Slowing becoming dispondant due to his constant time away from the girl who used to carry him around; From the times she would lovingly pet his fur and give him treats for no reason.

 The years passed and what Kujo never saw was that the young girl had grown up. She wasn't the same idyllic trainer. She was battle hardened, determined, and facing the world with a much different attitude. Her cute pokemon were still cute, but they were strong as they could be. She was a force that wouldn't be taken lightly. Kujo, living for most of his time in the pokemon daycare, never saw this, and only saw his trainer as someone who's used him then rejected him. Her, the one who he'd fought for from loyalty and love.

 Yet Kujo still dreamed of her and what she meant to him. When he dreamed, Kujo dreamed of his old life as a poochyena. The life where he was loved, adored, and by his trainer's side. Kujo loved his trainer, why didn't she see nor understand that when he had the power to evolve it just..happened. He thought his evolution, his growth into something more powerful, into something stronger would make her happy. Kujo had only wanted her happiness. Days came and went, all of them left Kujo wanting. Night by night, Kujo would wish for her to call him back and let him prove he was still the same loyal Kujo she'd caught as a pup. Each night he'd sleep, only to wake and find those idelic dreams shattered by the warm haze of the morning sunlight.

 Slowly, the dreams became less and less warm. His memories of the past turning him more and more bitter. Kujo had evolved it for her and she'd rejected him. He's changed to help her and never hurt her but what had it done? It got him stuck in pokemon daycare, it got him rare calls out to battles where his trainer's once soft and loving voice was now a harsh, cold, and decisive order. The bond of love and friendship she'd formed with him had shifted with his evolution. An act which Kujo came to resent.

 When the Musharna came to his dreams they made him the offer to become more. To face them as a human, to speak their tongue, to know the world as something more than just a pokemon, but not quite a human. he would be a human and a pokemon, he would be something greater. Fueled by bitterness and years of not once seeing the girl he'd once known as his trainer, Kujo accepted, the goal in his heart to find and show his trainer what she had abandoned to pokemon daycare; To tell her that he had evolved for her and she was ungrateful, a monster, and nothing more than scum to him. To tell her that he was her Kujo no longer.

 But soon after Kujo found himself in the form of a human he was torn. The world of mankind was not so simple. Things like clothes, expressions, human actions and in-actions, culture, his features, his abilities had him at a lose; it was new, strange and alien. People shunned him, feared him, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find a way to locate his trainer. But it wouldn't matter, his trainer would find him.

 When they found each other it was confusing and conflicting. The girl was a woman now, and she didn't see her Kujo in front of her. She saw a man in rags, alone, living in the woods off of what he could, understanding his new role as neither true pokemon or human any more than a typical trainer did. Kujo actually didn't recognize the woman to be his trainer, but wasn't about to reject her assistance. Realizing her own Pokemon hadn't seen her in years and had no idea who she really was, Kujo's trainer let it rest, taking him in and teaching him human etiquette, getting him clothes, feeding him, helping him, caring for him not a apokemon, but as another human being.

 The charade went on for several months until Kujo discovered a badge she'd won as a child--a badge she'd won with him--complete with a photo she'd taken to celebrate the occasion. Enraged, he confronted her and once more was torn with the image of his trainer. For so long he'd loved her, then he'd been bitter against her, vowing to show her his pain, his anger. But...she had taken him in, cared for him as a human, shown him human kindness, shown him she still cared about him in the end. Confused at both himself and at her, they agreed it was best perhaps for them to part ways, but not before Kujo had a revelation.

 Love was not easy. Their relationship was special, and even if they had changed, some things about themselves never would. She would always care about him, no matter how he looked, and he would always love her in his way, or else why would he have grown so bitter at her? But they had reached a point where it was not so easy to forget the years apart, the missed opportunities and chances. In their mutual act of love, Kujo left seeking to go out into the human world and better understand humans, to understand just how they worked and functioned, to fulfill his dream, if for a much different intent the originally planned. His dream had once been to be able to show his trainer his emotions, but in his new body, he needed to master being human, to show her his feelings on a new, more human level.

 His current status is traveling, seeking to learn the world of mankind to one day return to his trainer and be able to full articulate his thoughts and feelings about not just her, not just himself, but of them and their relationship.