Pink Pearl



7 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Pink Pearl


Titanium Gems




Genderless (She/Her)

Gem Type


Gem Location and Cut

Left eye, oval cut


Same as canon Pearl


Pink Pearl keeps her attire as elegant as she can. Her hair is wavy and she keeps it styled to resemble a flower on the left side of her head. Her lips are red and she has very long eyelashes. Her arrire consists of a long skirt, cut on the left side, a white blouse wih a transparent pair of long sleeves and collar, pink socks and shoes the same color as the blouse.




Pink Pearl is a very collected gem, who tries to appear calm and serious all the time, while being very emotional on the inside. She has a very deep fear of failure and a great empathy, allowing her to identify and help her fellow gems through hard times. She is not pushy and even though she can clearly see when someone is in distress, won't insist in talking it out with them if they're not feeling like it. Respect is the value most important to her and she will never lack it be it for friends or foes, but as she gained her freedom, she also expects the others to hold a certain regard for her, even if she is just a Pearl. She is very wise and open to new experiences, from which she tries to learn at best, and because of this, she is the ship's quartermaster, countering the captain's most heated decision as the light of reason. This means she has a lot of responsibility on her, though she secretly thinks she's not good enough for the task, and is very harsh on herself when things go wrong.


Same as a standard Pearl. In addition, she can use her gem to see through two layers of walls max.

Fusion Dance

Russian Ballet

Titanium Gems Symbol Placement



Pink Pearl originated from the same Kindergarten as Black Pearl and was soon assigned as a valor prize to Pink Phantom Quartz, a very close collaborator of Titanium Quartz, which allowed her to keep in contact with the other Pearl and become very close to her in terms of friendship. She was there when Titanium was shattered and was the one to bring the notice to Black Pearl. For the rest see the Titanium Gems Origin Story on the world page