Jeluka Jecova



4 years, 2 months ago


Name: Jeluka Jakova

Age: 20

Species: Dhampire (1/2 Human 1/2 Vampire)

Occupation: Battle Chef

General: A fiery gal who spends her day cooking fantastical dishes with monster meats. A well rounded warrior who'll go on any quest that can yield new ingredients for her dishes. Her specialty is fire magic in which she uses to create special smoked dishes and defeat monsters like dragons and the like. Rumor has it the restaurant she owns was once ran by her Master, whom taught her, her craft, though he disappeared years ago in search of a new mysterious book of magical recipes and hasn't returned. She doesn't talk about him often and is quite reserved in terms of personality. Perhaps someone could perhaps get her out of her shell and out of her kitchen all day every day.

Familiar: Flambe is a precious feline with the battle skills of a true warrior and is seen at Jeluka's side no matter what she's doing. He loves his master and her delicious delicious fishy treats. He's a special breed of peercat with sabertooth teeth and Jeluka adores him.