


4 years, 6 days ago


here comes the sun, doo dun doo doo

Name ra
Breed marwari x connemara
Age 6
DoB 1st june
Gender stallion
S.O. pan/ace
Height 14.1hh
Build pony
Site n/a
Sale never
Worth £263.50
Demeanor optimistic, naive, friendly

Ra is nothing short of a perpetual ray of sunshine. While shy, his life is lived largely in pursuit of friends - loved ones to whom he can gift his handcrafted floral crowns and bracelets, and chatter to into the early hours of the morning. He endeavours to see the best in everyone, though, paired with his naivety, this oft leads the boy astray. Even in the most tangled of situations, you'll rarely see the purple pony without a smile on his lips and a daisy or two behind his ear. If he sees a single tear upon your face, he will not relent until he has brightened your day.

Design Notes:
- both mane and tail are long - mane about to his chest, tail just off the floor. both are curly and tipped in yellow-orange.
- ears curl inwards like a marwari, though he is not marwari build - more ponylike.
- his horns are not metallic gold but more a rich yellow hue, rather than metallic they have a subtle dull shine, as do his hooves. his eyes are the same rich yellow colour.
- he often sports some kind of floral jewellery - whether a crown, bracelet, or just flowers in his hair. daisies and sunflowers are his favourite but any flower will do! flowers aren't a necessity in his art, though.
- ra makes a living by selling his floral creations. rather than carry these around in a cart or a bag, he balances the crowns on his head and wears all the jewellery as he goes about his day.
