


4 years, 1 month ago


name: Onix

nick: none

age: 29

gender: female

personality: loyal, gentle and forgiving. 

bio: Onix is the daughter of the leader of the Star Wolves, Her mother died giving birth to her leaving her father to raise her on his own. Her father was a wonderful father and when the star foxes were raising to power. To ensure the safety of his daughter and the others. He met with the queen of the star foxes Amethyst. Oddly enough the pair fell in love. Onix was given a younger sister. The first hybrid Star wolves and foxes. When Onix turned 10, she and her younger sister Opal were taken from their home country. They were shipped to Teki and put into the orphanage. They jumped from foster home to foster home. Sadly they wouldn't keep her in and Opal together. Opal was adopted out and Onix was to old to be adopted. So she went out into the forest near the capital and she has been looking for her younger sister. She does odd jobs in order to make ends meet.