
4 years, 2 months ago


Yvonne Sudz

Age: 18

Element: Water

Role: Ranger

Rank: C

Skill: Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles!!

Surrounds the whole battlefield in colorful bubbles, making things extra slippery for her foes. Forces foes to miss their attacks more often.


Big Bubble!! (Element: Water)

Creates a massive bubble from her Bubble Wand, splashing all foes as it pops.

Bubble Bunny!! (Element: Water)

Forms a huge rabbit-shaped bubble that comes to life, crushing foes multiple times with its wet jumps.

Super Bubble Shot (Element: Water)

Shoots a trio of bubbles at once, striking three foes at the same time.

Rinse N' Repeat!! (Element: Water)

Calls upon her Spirit to clean the wounds of her allies, healing their health.


Power: 20

Magic: 60

Defense: 60

Magic Defense: 60

Health: 50

Speed: 30

Yvonne is Aqualaa's sister and is full of happiness!! She spends her time blowing colorful bubbles everywhere, with her special Bubble Wand. Everyone she sees appreciates her arrival, gleefully watching as she releases her giant bubbles on display!! She tries her hardest to make everyone happy, even the more reclusive Channelers, making her one of the best Channelers to have when you're having a bad day. It only takes one "cat-shaped bubble" to cheer anyone up! In battle, Yvonne uses her bubbles to her advantage, creating massive bubble animals and weapons to burst onto her opponents! The larger the bubble, the bigger the damage!!

Her Spirit is Rinse N' Repeat, the Foam Spirit. A neat freak at heart, he hates all things dirty and will rush into cleaning whatever he considers "unclean!" His suds are full of cleansing chemicals can provide an extra shiny, finishing touch to anything he touches, including other Spirits and Channelers!!