
Kalon - won from a readopt

Sahara is typically seen smiling, cheerful in his own oddly worried way. He often attempts to be friendly, but he's horribly awkward and clumsy, which has a tendency to ruin it for him. For some reason, he never has this problem when he's alone. He often tries to practice walking smoothly and twisting around clutter, passing his own test with flying colors...and then immediately falling flat on face the moment he steps foot in a public place. While he tends to lean towards thinking logically, Sahara's definitely a dreamer. His favorite place to be is in his own mind, exploring the realms within. While daydreaming will do, he really enjoys actual dreams. Because of this, he has a weird sort of excitement towards sleep...? Many times, he'll just curl up and nod off, giving off the appearance that he's lazy. He's not very talkative...unless he gets on the topic of his dreams. Then, he'll talk for ages, a sparkle in his eye. He's not easily scared nor bullied, which is something others often guess wrong about him. He's not likely to stand up for himself, nor run away. He just sort of...stands there. Staring at you. Making you feel a little self conscious. Sahara also loves doing anything that might give him a sample of the thrill he gets when he's asleep. This can be very bad. Sometimes, this can be as simple as running around, feeling fast and free. Other times, it could be getting chased by an entire hoard of angry dogs. Those who have been around Sahara start to notice that he gets oddly excited and hyper in bad situations. Danger and discovery seem to peak his interest to no end, often annoying those who understand the gravity in the situation. Strangely enough, most of his laughs are awkward...except those when he's fleeing for his life or something else generally terrible. He truly is an odd and unpredictable character.