



Reaper is definitely a stoic boy that doesn't mind his alone time. But, just because he is a hard read doesn't mean he doesn't get upset/sad, or happy. There's no telling how deep his emotions run...Unless he is angry, and then it's best to stay clear. His temper often gets the best of him and he can be murderous to say the least. Has an odd obsession of the fruit, cantaloupe.

But despite having a small temper, Reaper is insanely fierce, loyal, and protective. Do not try to lay a hand on any of his loved ones, you will LOSE it! 

-Loves cantaloupe (turns puppy-like for it)

- Likes some alone time (usually gets it on patrols)

-Likes a good steak once in a while


-Others seeing him cry (Doesn't want others to see him as vulnerable).

-Crowded areas/too many people
