


4 years, 4 months ago



Name Milo
Nickname Milli
Age 8 years old
Pronouns He/him
family Adopted
Role none
Status NFT
Theme Soft

Milo is a sensitive 8 year old with lots of goals, but not much motivation.. He loves food and gets upset when he can't have any. Milo is the youngest kid in his family, and he was also adopted. He worries sometimes that his parents don't love him as much as his other siblings, who push him around sometimes for being a crybaby.


  • Being hugged
  • Candy
  • Sleeping


  • Loud/rude/mean people
  • Sour foods
  • Being ignored


Milo was born into a relatively wealthy, influential family. However, because of this the family had a lot of enemies. Jealous of their weatlh, and greedy for their power, one of their maids took Milo hoping that she would be able to keep him ransom in return for his parents' money. However, she was caught, but Milo was nowhere to be seen. A day later, a lonely man found a crying baby in a cradle and took him to the orphanage.

At the orphanage

Milo was one of the youngest at the orphanage. He was short for his age, and cried a lot. Naturally, the older kids teased him. They deliberately tripped him or took his stuff, and when the adults saw Milo crying, they simply ignored it. Milo probably just tripped on a stair or something, they thought. However, Milo found friends, and began ignoring the bullies. They stopped teasing him when he got older and stopped crying every other hour. Milo saw as one by one the other kids at the orphanage were adopted and taken to a new home. He quickly decided that he wanted to be adopted too, so whenever someone came, he would quickly clean up his room, and put on his best clothes. Finally, one day, a woman adopted him.


When Milo went inside the house, he was taken aback. He had never been far from the orphanage, and all the houses next to the orphanges were big and grand. The house of his new family was relatively small. They showed Milo to his room, where they had prepared him a bed, desk, and cabinet. After stating that Milo must be tired, they put him to bed promising him that they could go out shopping for his room tomorrow. Milo fell asleep right away, his pillow slightly less plump than at the orphanage, his blanket less warm, but his heart full. After a couple weeks, he started school (kids at the orphanage were taught by a tutor), and was surprised to see that all the kids were nice. He made friends, and they had sleepovers at his house on weekends. Milo had a brother, and two sisters. His siblings were extremely nice to him, but he found his brother mischievous. Together, they would pull pranks and had a great time. Milo was never happier.



Madison [ friend ]

Milo met Madison on his first day of school when they were partnered together for a group project. Both were shy at first, but warmed up to each other quickly and became instant friends.

HTML by Eggy
