Fyon's Comments

If you ever look at offers may I be pinged? ^^

if the previous person no longe wants to i can also offer voucher i still love this dood

I can possibly do the voucher if you were wanting that :) 

I definitely still accept a voucher for em! 

I need to go to the bank but I’d love to :]

Oki I’d have to let you know that it may be till the 20th till I get a thing.

Alright, that’s fine with me :]

Hi hi! Checking in about the voucher!

5 Replies

May I be pinged if you ever look at offers? I completely understand if not!!

well I’m not sure if the voucher person is still valid as it’s been awhile but I do take a voucher or a swap 

Well feel free to look through my TH! only ones completely off limits is my Sona folder! (Though I will be pretty tent with some in comfort ^^) I might also be able to do a voucher as well 

if this guy is up for offers i'm willing to offer ocs and / or money :-))

Indeed, but mostly interested in Pacapillar things or swaps!

okay awesome! i sadly don't have any designs to swap or pacapillars but i'd be more than happy to offer money and/or any ocs of mine you like (if you find any of course) !!

I do money if it’s a voucher!

could you please explain to me how the voucher works and how much money you'd want? :-0

Ah you send money to somone so I can get a thing and I send you a character. It’s similar to a three way trade!

6 Replies

would you do pings on this guy? :0

He’s open for offers but swaps are preferred 

sorry for the hella late reply since at that moment i had nothing good to offer but would a dainty slot interest you? you may also look through my th but i’m attached to some of them 

I personally am not interested in a dainty but I wouldn’t mind a three way trade for pacapillar things!

ah that’s okay! i ended up trading the slot but if i can get that stuff for money then sure, no problem. let me know if there’s something ur wanting

They do but it’s on their website 

3 Replies