Swirling Riptide




Name : Swirling Riptide
Swirling –– for his irregular pattern
Riptide –– for his dark blue-grey color as well as his strong personality
Pastnames : Riptide
Age : 56 moons
Birthseason : Autumn
Gender : Male (he/him)
Rank : Katiaki
Alignment : chaotic neutral- istp- scorpio
Mentor : n/a
Apprentice : n/a

Summary : A long-furred charcoal blue marbled tabby with irregular spotting. [c] ear tufts
Breed : unknown
Eye Colour : dark blue
Height : tall
Body Type : strong
Tail : long and fluffy
Scars : none

loyal . intense . prideful

Riptide can seem quite intense to those who haven't known him long. He is deeply devoted to his tribe and to his loved ones, and does his best every day to make sure they know that. Riptide is calculating, analytical, yet impulsive. The tom certainly has an ego, and takes great pride in both himself and others. If anyone he loves is feeling down about themselves, Riptide would not only offer a shoulder to cry on but stern and reassuring words.

Riptide will always do what he thinks is right, and has a difficult time listening to others. This has gotten him in some trouble before, but he has always taken responsibility for his actions. He makes a great leader, often heading patrols and mentoring apprentices whenever he can.

  • Stormy weather
  • Mentoring apprentices
  • The moon
  • The Mainland
  • Hot sun
  • Judgement
Fears : Riptide fears for the safety of his mate daily. Not only is she his soulmate, but the glue that holds the tribe together. On a less serious note, he is afraid of jellyfish since getting stung as a kit.
Habits : The tom has a habit of grinding his teeth together when frustrated. He also compulsively takes every single feather he finds and puts it in his den. The place is covered in feathers. Blue finds it cute, and can't help but laugh at the quantity of them.
  • Riptide collects seashells, feathers, and other little trinkets to bring to Blue as a gift.
  • The tom loves to swim, but loathes the feeling of salt water in his fur.
  • His favorite food is eel. Since Blue hates eel, the tom likes to tease her with it to get under her skin.

Herbial Knowledge

Father : Riptide never knew his father, and his mother never told him or his siblings what happened to him. They can only assume he either abondoned them or died a tragic death. Both are equally terrible.
Mother : Riptide's mother was a kind, loving individual who was devoted to the tom and his siblings. The she-cat went hunting when the kits were 12 moons old and never came back. They assume something awful happened to her, but never dwell on it too much. They hope she's still alive somewhere, but the thought of her abandoning them is too painful to bear.
Mate : Blue is the love of his life. Riptide would do absolutely anything for her. He admires the she-cat for her connection to the world around her and the way she treats others. He thinks and speaks highly of her. The idea of kits in the future brings him great joy as well as fear that he may lose her.
Kits : Riptide would love kits, but the safety of his mate is his greatest concern.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tincidunt velit ac tincidunt commodo. Nam nec ligula sit amet neque tincidunt efficitur et dapibus justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi at massa egestas, dignissim elit ut, fringilla tellus.

Curabitur maximus sit amet neque pellentesque consequat. Curabitur dapibus dui ac fermentum fringilla. Aenean varius ornare urna, non luctus augue tristique a. Donec tortor ex, fringilla sit amet dignissim et, lobortis sed sem. Integer rhoncus lectus erat, in rhoncus ligula rhoncus sed. Nunc pellentesque massa nec orci vehicula malesuada.

code by jiko