


4 years, 7 days ago


Name Houshouku Fukuro
Alias Robin Hoot
Birthday November 22nd
Age 15
Gender Male
Height 120cm
Hair Color Mahogany with orange tints
Eye Color Orange
Blood type O
Quirk Owl-Body
Occupation U.A Student
Affiliation U.A. High School
Status Alive
Fighting style Melee + Long Ranged


  • Hoshoku (捕食) means "Predator", though because of it having a different kanji, it's often confused for Torimono (捕者) which means "captor" or "kidnapper." Fukuro (梟) literally means "Owl".
  • His canine teeth are longer to aid in picking apart and tearing into meat—his tongue is also black.
  • He used to live in the peaks of Europe in Spain.
  • Fukuro is fluent in multiple languages; Spanish, Japanese, and English, in order of fluency.
  • His family all have the same types of quirks, though to varying degrees. His Grandfather and little sister have bird features, but no wings.
  • Bathing is an inconvenience because his wings get really heavy with the water—they're not water repellent like other birds' wings.
  • Fukuro uses special oil spray to keep his wings clean, water resistant, and strong.
  • He has an unnatural obsession with colourful and sparkly things like rocks, jewels and feathers. He has a corner of shelves to showcase them on—his puzzles too—and always carries a small drawstring cloth bag to put things he finds in.
  • When startled, angry, or scared, his hair and wings fluff up to make him look bigger.
  • Fukuro collects his feathers that fall off so he can make things out of them; arrows, accessories… ect

Fukuro can imitate various noises, and even people's voices with a little practice! He likes to cause harmless mischief with this ability.
Fukuro is good at weaving baskets, he makes them for his family's shop.
Fukuro is quite the sharpshooter and is great at first person shooting games.
Fukuro has a great kinesthetic sense and rarely hit's his wings on things and can grasp an environment well.

Owl-Body Mutant | Close-range

His quirk gives him the abilities of an Owl! His Quirk comes from a family of Bird quirks that manifest depending on their personality and upbringing. He has a pair of wings that have a span of 320 cm from wingtip to wingtip whe fully outstretched.
  • Silent Flight
    With the nature of his wings taking after an Owl, when he flys, it is completely silent to the average ear.
  • Enhansed Senses
    Fukuro's sight and hearing are both above the average human, his sight however is much more advanced and allows him to see in the dark.
  • Turbulant Sense
    Fukuro can feel small disturbances in the air with his feather tufts, making him quite observant and hard to sneak up on.
  • Silent Flight
    With the nature of his wings taking after an Owl, when he flys, it is completely silent to the average ear.
  • Flexible Neck
    Fukuro's neck is very flexible and can turn ip to 270°.
Super Moves

Coming down from a high altitude, he hits and knocks the target back with a strong kick. His talons can also incapacitate.
  • Advantage: Has much more power than he can normally dish out.
  • Disadvantage
    Easy to block if predicted, difficult to change course after hitting top speed. Too long of a build up to use other than a surprise attack.
  • Limit of the Range:
    Close range.
From either on the ground or in the air, Fukuro can kick up winds to blow back projectiles and people.
  • Advantage: Versatile and can be used Offensively and Defensively. Can be used to kick up dust clouds for cover, it can be good setup for stealth procedures.
  • Disadvantage
    Not that strong and could only slow down larger and stronger people, and even with his sight, it would be hard for him to navigate in the cloud. If used on the ground, he wouldn't be able to fly away—he'd blow the cloud he made away.
  • Limit of the Range:
    Close to Mid-range.
Rain of Down:
Fukuro can flap his wings and shoot out feathers at a target.
  • Advantage: Can cover a wide area and be used to harry an oponent.
  • Disadvantage
    Hard to aim with precision. When overused, it makes it harder to fly. If used too much, he won't be able to fly until the feathers are grown back.
  • Limit of the Range:
Feather Arrow's:
Fukuro shoots arrows made from his own feathers at an oponent.
  • Advantage: Can be used on beserker types to stay out of range. Fukuro can fly and shoot, thus be out of harms way and attack.
  • Disadvantage
    Not at all viable in buildings. If it's too windy, it can offset his aim. Can potentially be lethal, on the flipside, arrows can be too weak to hurt those with hardening quirks.
  • Limit of the Range:
    Middle to Long Range.

Recurve Bow
Fukuro carries two custom recurve bows. The first of the two is a smaller bow with a drawstrength of 50lbs for regular use. The second is a larger bow with the drawstrength of 100lbs for much stronger targets with the capability to pearce through metal.
Fukuro carries a number of arrows made from his own feathers that are suitible for taking down deer. He also has stronger arrows that are used with his larger bow.
Fukuro has two quivers on his body. One across his back, and one on his side. They are designed to have easy access, but also not let the arrows fall out during flight.
Cloth Ladder
Fukuro carries a cloth ladder made out of the same material as Aizawa's capturing weapon. Fukuro can lower this down in a disaster site to carry people away. It can also be used to make a cradel for those who are injured.

  • Archery
  • Flying
  • Relaxing
  • Shiny, sparkly and colourful things
  • Spicy food

  • Academics
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Closed in spaces
  • Public Transport
  • Shoes
Take it all in and see how small everything really is.

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Morbi dapibus, velit nec facilisis pellentesque, metus odio pretium purus, ac vestibulum velit lacus vel quam. Phasellus et malesuada metus. Vestibulum id tincidunt felis, scelerisque volutpat felis. Nam justo justo, malesuada sit amet odio dapibus, rhoncus aliquam ante. Nullam bibendum sagittis risus, a gravida lacus imperdiet eget. Donec sit amet lobortis justo. Mauris consequat libero sed dolor volutpat, vitae venenatis sem placerat. Pellentesque non risus maximus, sollicitudin purus a, luctus ligula. Sed congue tristique orci vel semper. Etiam faucibus, urna rhoncus congue scelerisque, diam libero vulputate justo, sit amet ultricies nunc odio vel libero. Nullam venenatis augue accumsan rutrum euismod. Donec nisi nisi, volutpat efficitur felis sit amet, ultricies pulvinar ex. Vivamus accumsan porta tempor.

Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.

Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.

Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.