Marigold Simmonds



4 years, 2 months ago



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Being a bright and caring young lady, Mari treats everyone like they’re her next door neighbor. She's always excited to talk about bugs, or potions! (Or.... a certain someone...)

  •  Name   Marigold Iris Simmonds 
  •  Nicknames   Mari, Iris, Lovebug, Bugaboo, Goldilocks 
  •  Age   26 
  •  Gender   Female 
  •  World   Earth 
  •  Residence   Where they live 
  •  Species   Human/Sorceress 
  •  Ethnicity   American/Russian 
  •  Occupation   Potionology Professor 
  •  Sexuality   Heterosexual 
  •  Religion   Wiccan 

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  •  MBTI   Advocate (INFJ-A) 
  •  Alignment   Lawful Neutral 
  •  Positive Traits   Mari is a very driven young lady! Kind, compassionate, considerate, adventurous and curious 
  •  Negative Traits   Oversleeper, she must be perfect at all times, forgetful, kind of a ditz at times, naive  
  •  Outlook   Mari genuinely believes all people have some sort of good in them, and she wants to help those people shine! She thinks everyone deserves a chance (well, there's exceptions), and that anyone can do anything if they put their mind to it. She doesn’t believe that money buys happiness, and instead finds joy and comfort with insects 
  •  Belief   Marigold believes that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. She believes people are a tad bit too selfish in their modern day, and wishes people would stop pinning blame on everything else. Mari believes people are sometimes a loss cause, but she mostly has a very positive opinion/belief 
  •  Strengths   Being born from two lines of strong sorcerers/esses, Mari is quite strong in the magical sense. She's smart, and has a very knack for problem solvingShe's been described at good at teaching as well
  •  Weaknesses   It's hard for Mari to read other people's emotions. She often seems like she doesn’t care, but it’s most likely she didn’t notice anything was wrong. She has an image of herself that she must be perfect—and if she's not, she starts to have an entire breakdown. She's forgetful, and will feel ashamed for anything she forgets. Mari finds it difficult when put on the spotlight, and can’t think clearly in the moment.
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

Nam elit metus, commodo vitae efficitur at, pulvinar ac justo. Phasellus non mauris sed tortor ullamcorper hendrerit. Aliquam consectetur mi in consectetur convallis. Sed rhoncus ipsum a libero rhoncus, pulvinar facilisis nunc egestas. Donec auctor molestie nunc eu gravida. Vestibulum id turpis non ante volutpat tempus. Ut diam sem, euismod in dui vitae, efficitur accumsan magna. Ut consequat augue vel arcu egestas pulvinar. Fusce hendrerit lectus at nisl vestibulum convallis nec ac dui.


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  •  Optimist 

  •  Rude 

  •  Peaceful 

  •  Playful 

  •  Creative 

  •  Lethargic 

  •  Follower 

  •  Brave 

  •  Insecure 

  •  Intelligent 

  •  Wise 

  •  Forgetful 

  •  Impulsive 

  •  Neat 

  •  Curious 

  •  Awkward 

  •  Patient 

  •  Liar 



  • Bugs/Insects/Arachnids
  • Stormy days
  • Her dog, Poppy
  • A certain someone
  • Coffee
  • Photography


  • Snakes
  • Displeasing her parents
  • Being recognized as her parents' kid
  • Confrontation
  • Cupcakes
  • Her abdomen scars


  • Gardening! She needs plants for her bugs
  • Researching about insects/bugs, and potions
  • Experimenting with potions on plants (sometimes herself)
  •   Sleeping
  • Playing with her dog. Seriously, she adores Poppy
  • Daydreaming about Dean


  • Very smart
  • Excellent at creating, and teaching about, potions
  •   Teaching
  • Photography
  • Sleeping
  • Never admitting her feelings

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  •  Hair Color   Blonde/Dirty Blonde 

  •  Eye Color   Green 

  •  Skin Color   Snow-like pale 

  •  Height   5'4" 

  •  Clothing Style   Dark/Light Academia 

  •  Skinny   Heavier 

  •  Short   Tall 

  •  Fat   Muscular 

  •  Groomed   Messy 

Design Notes

  • Her freckles are not optional
  • She has a big scar on her side/abdomen
  • She wears a red lipstick
  • Mari always looks more well-kept/groomed
  • She adores both Dark/Light academia styles, and will wear both interchangeably 
  • Most likely has dog hair on all of her clothes and belongings
Click for Reference

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed ultricies odio, ac pellentesque leo. Mauris lacus dolor, dignissim quis augue iaculis, sagittis consectetur turpis. In varius eget leo et tempor. Nulla malesuada diam ut ullamcorper blandit. Vestibulum leo eros, fringilla auctor pellentesque sit amet, tristique in quam. Fusce sodales dolor dolor, et laoreet nisi consectetur ut. Nulla volutpat ipsum eu fermentum pellentesque. Donec quis luctus dui. Ut nec orci varius, viverra sapien non, hendrerit lectus. Sed ac posuere nisi. Pellentesque fermentum tempus dolor, semper bibendum ligula lobortis nec. In at libero quis lectus eleifend imperdiet in eu justo. Vestibulum placerat tristique convallis. Vestibulum et facilisis tortor. Curabitur ut mauris vitae urna imperdiet aliquam.

Nam posuere, ex ac posuere aliquet, ex lorem convallis mi, a rutrum nunc ligula a odio. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris finibus fringilla erat, sit amet eleifend nisi vestibulum id. In venenatis lorem elit, quis mattis lectus consectetur non. Vivamus non purus id leo mollis semper. Nullam quis dapibus ex, rutrum laoreet tellus. Maecenas eget urna turpis. Ut nec lectus molestie leo vulputate dictum. Aenean placerat tincidunt dignissim. Cras sem enim, facilisis in sollicitudin eu, tempor efficitur tellus. Ut cursus felis eu nulla porttitor, ac suscipit lacus tempor.

In viverra diam metus, eu posuere odio sagittis vel. Quisque aliquam ultricies ligula at maximus. Nam accumsan at est et cursus. In tellus turpis, fringilla quis quam a, ornare volutpat metus. Cras imperdiet lectus sit amet tempus laoreet. Sed dignissim nisi ac ipsum gravida, nec bibendum lacus gravida. Maecenas eget condimentum enim, nec ultricies nunc. Donec sit amet accumsan lacus. Pellentesque egestas in ex tristique viverra. Cras fringilla pharetra imperdiet. Integer mollis massa et ante pretium sodales. Ut euismod finibus diam, at ultrices turpis condimentum id. Donec posuere elit eget ante accumsan finibus.

Present Day

Sed condimentum volutpat euismod. Sed luctus ultricies diam id ultrices. Fusce id porta tortor, nec lacinia mauris. Fusce quis euismod dui, sed pellentesque tellus. Nunc sed lobortis lacus, eu sollicitudin velit. Mauris dictum enim a consequat venenatis. Vivamus et metus at lectus fermentum imperdiet ac vitae dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer non cursus turpis, sit amet interdum ante. Vivamus sit amet fringilla orci, in posuere ligula.


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