Jane “Amne” Doe



7 years, 6 months ago


Name meaning: Ã̴̛͇̠̝͊̇̕͜,̷̨̊̀̊͆͠͝'̸̗͎͓̍́̉͜*̶̠͓̪̻̌̆͊͘*̸̢̙̟͕̦̱̄̈́͗̽̕~̸̫̪̉̒̆
Nicknames: Amne, Dewy
Age: 18 years old
Birthdate: October 9, 1997
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Pansexual
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Religion: Unknown
MBTI: INFP - The Healer
Aligment: Neutral - Good
Occupation: High school student (12th grader)
Nationality: Scottish (presumed)
“My memory fades as the colours of a painting in the rain.”

  • Writing and everything related to literature
  • Rain
  • Cats
  • Taking a stroll in the forest
  • Volunteering
  • Knitting
  • When the sun strikes hard and/or when it's hot
  • That one teddy bear tucked away in the attic
  • The 8th of March
  • Spring onion
  • Thunder
  • Children clothing


Always full of hope, Amne is timid, dreamy and melancholic. She lost her memory in an accident that killed her family when she was 16 years old. The authorities have never been able to find traces of her family existence, nor the cause of the accident. They’re not even exactly sure how many family members she actually has, as the bodies weren’t in a state to be identified or differentiated from the rest of the crashing site. Amne remembers only her home, where no traces of her family (photo albums, clothes, etc.) were found. She often feels guilty of not feeling the absence and grief of her family, and actively avoids the few items found in her house that aren’t branded by her initials.

Since the accident, she is constantly looking for a way to remember, searching in hundreds of even the oldest or most wacky books. One year after the accident, a male nursing student joined her medical team and they quickly formed a bond. Lochlan offered her great emotional support and helped her cope with her condition. Ever since he came into her life, she began looking forward to her examinations at the clinic since it’s the only time they get to see each other due to Loclan’s busy schedule.

She continues her studies in a high school in correspondence with a specialised centre, where she has made several very good friends. Her beginnings were hard, but the knowledge she had before the accident came naturally, like knowing how to read or write.

  • Keep in mind when drawing
  • Even though she's very often seen with a dreamy and/or melancholy look, you can draw her smiling or laughing too if you want.
  • She spends most of her alone time writing, reading or cuddling her cat, so it’s best to either draw her doing this or spending time with her friends. It’s in these scenarios that she will appear the most happy and comfortable.
  • She is 168cm tall (≃ 5’6”).
  • Trivia
  • At one of their sleepovers, her friend Edelweiss pointed out that her nickname “Amne” has the same pronunciation as Ame in Japanese. Since then, it has become one of the reasons she chose this nickname as her temporary name, furthermore associating her identity with the rain she loves so much.
  • She has a 5 years old Main Coon with white fur and completely heterochromatic eyes (her left eye is blue while her right one is hazel) called Pearl that she cherishes the most in the entire world.

Best friend



Best friend



Best friend



Close friend

