Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


Hello welcome to my profile!

Read everything, It's not that long

By clicking "I accept "you agree to my terms and rules, and you are agreeing that you read everything.


-Do not claim any of my art as your own-

-Do not claim any of my characters as your own-

-Do not use any of my characters or art for yourself  without permission-


My characters may include: LGBTQ+, depression, anxiety, mental issues, etc
I do curse
Some of my ocs may have dark or violent backstories and art.


profile best viewed on night, default, teal, bee/yellow or pink view

basically every mode other than pink velvet snake XD


I have a public blacklist in my bulletins
I don't like blocking people so I do this instead
Its very hard to get on my blacklist, just follow my guidelines/warnings/don'ts and use common sense and you should be fine.


I love making friends and my friend list is long

may add more later!


Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Looks like you've made it to my mains folder

all my babies are special but these ones especially


This is Solar

he is my son, do not steal him or claim him as your own.

his bio contains lgbtq+ mentions


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