Luck Iliris



4 years, 1 month ago


Luck Iliris

  •  Name                                                         Luck Iliris  
  •  Age   23 
  •  Gender   Male 
    Class                                                                    Monk

  •  Obedient   Defiant 

  •  Humble   Conceited 

  •  Extrovert   Introvert 

  •  Independent   Dependent 

"I abhor the idea of a perfect world. It would bore me to tears."- G.K. Chesterton


                      Positives                              Negatives


Moma's Boy


Quick thinker

Distracted easily


Luck is a Simic Hybrid Male with Light blue skin and messy medium white hair. He has two sets of gills on both sides of his neck and Turquoise eyes . He wears a sleeveless gi with baggy britches and Tabi that end just under his knees where he tucks the rest of his britches he also where Leg bindings around his shins. Around his waist he has cloth wrapped around his that acts as a belt as well as a small  waist drape.

  •  Ethnicity   Their Ethnicity 
  •  Residence   Where they live 
  •  Job   Occupation 
  •  Sexuality   Their Sexuality 
  • ● Write bits of trivia / other information in this section.
  • ● Sed ac ligula consectetur, feugiat mi ac, eleifend nisl. Nam scelerisque convallis euismod. Nam tincidunt risus eget blandit luctus.
  • ● Etiam consequat viverra ex, ut hendrerit dolor auctor in. Integer feugiat feugiat molestie.
  • ● Nullam mollis pharetra ipsum nec ultricies.
  • ● Maecenas aliquet porttitor vehicula. Donec tristique porta arcu nec cursus.
  • ● Ut malesuada lectus laoreet lorem pulvinar, in suscipit erat lacinia.
  • Money
  • Fun
  • Action
  • Rain
  • Being fast
  • Being intimidating
  • Being restrained
  • Repetitiveness
  • Boring people
  • Limits
  • Restrictions
  • Waiting


Despite being born into the prestigious Iliris family Luck never had much interest in learning magic. Despite all of Saria’s efforts to peak Luck’s interest in magic luck never had the attention span to learn many spells much less remember what he needed to do for them. Luck being the impatient soul that he is he always wanted something to do often leading to him causing mischief. Around the age of 13 Luck found a hidden fighting ring near where he lived in which he would often participate and return home with his ass thoroughly kicked and a few new scars and bruises. Saria, not proud of the fact he was going to fighting pits, sent him to a monk monastery so he could do what he was doing in a more controlled environment and far less reckless. Saria still not losing hope on Luck learning magic had the monks teaching him incorporate minor magic into the techniques to not only train his affinity for storm magic but also refine his magical ability and hone his skills. Luck never caught onto this fact and willingly went along with it learning to use his magic in very minor ways to help in combat. Luck spent 5 years at the monastery before leaving at the age of 18 without a word. Shortly after leaving Luck found a group of pirates during a short stop on land and hopped aboard finding the new thing he was interested in, sailing the seas. After 5 years spent with the pirates one of the members who joined before Luck was readying to leave and Luck not enjoying the long months at sea with very little action decided to tag along before splitting from them only to find more fun for himself. Luck was aware his mother was probably unhappy about him just disappearing from the monastery but never had to deal with it before due to him being out at sea. Now that Luck was on land again he noticed that whispers would emerge whenever he said his full name. Soon enough it came to Luck’s attention that his mother had been looking for him for the past 5 years. Knowing that once he is found he would be dragged back home Luck saw this as more of a game than anything using his name frequently to stir up attention only to narrowly escape people looking to bring him back while at the same time going on random adventures he finds fun.


Saria: Saris is Lucks loving mother who is currently in the process of tracking him down. Despite Luck being disruptive, disobedient, and defiant she still loves him with all her heart and just wants to keep him safe while still letting him have the fun he wants. She's very scared that Luck could get hurt without her knowing.

Aeren: Aeren is Luck's father and one of the teachers at the school Saria founded. Aeren while holding up the facade that he is upset with Luck leaving is glad that he is out exploring the world and expanding his horizons. While he can seem sometimes cold towards Luck to maintain his facade when talking to Luck directly he is very warm and supportive.

Qiris: Qiris, Luck's older brother disproves of Luck's decision to become a monk rather than to study magic. Qiris is spending his life to better his understanding of magic and hopes to become a great mage one day such as Saria is.  Qiris being the oldest sibling often tries to pull rank but often ends up is a contest in which he almost loses. Qiris is a good sport and losing only fuels his drive to grow. 

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