
Name: Brenton Seefore Claymore
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Alliance: Dreams, Star Warriors
Morality: Neutral Good

"Flame fast, flame hard! Your fate is in your hands, so don't leave it to the cards, yo!"

Excerpt from adoption idea:

A good friend of my character Frost and a consistent traveling pal, the two of them make up sort of their own Fire Ability biker gang (though like.... Not really XDD They just have similar tastes in attire). The two met during their own individual travels, and this fella decided that two hot heads are better than one, agreeing to accompany and assist Frost on his journey to find and rescue his missing wife.

They've got some comical chemistry where their varied tempers clash on occasion and they butt heads, but they're best friends and would die for each other!

The Efreeti is more of the hotshot spring chicken with an aspiration to one day open up his own fireproof fashion store, called "Flamin' Fashion". He's cool and slick, but has a big warm heart under his vain-esque, "cool guy" act. He begrudgingly goes out of his way a lot for people.

Brenton is a descendant of famous mercenary Spyke Claymore, and like his ancestor, he's a free spirit and forges his own path throughout life. Though he wasn't always the kind of honest man he is today. He took after his ancestor a little too much for a time and played ragtag mercenary for many of his early years, though with far less grace than Spyke.

However after a fateful encounter with Frost, he decided to turn over a new leaf and find his passions, try a more humble life. Since then he's been traveling with Frost to repay his debt to the warrior Puff, and perhaps one day find the right place, the right space and people, to open up "Flamin' Fashion" at long last.

As Frost's best and closest friend, he knows many of Frost's secrets as well his deep inner feelings. Brent is very well aware of how torn Frost is inside, and he always feels deeply compassionate for his best buddy. He's very quick to jump to Frost's defense if someone hits a sensitive spot or a nerve, oftentimes going in guns blazing before Frost really has time to react. This protectiveness tends to get the two into a spat every so often, commonly with each other.