


4 years, 1 month ago




Peach is a calm, cheery, somewhat ditzy pup who feels at one with nature and insect friends. She has a special connection to bugs... other pups, not so much! You can usually find her in the woods or the Hiccup Hole looking for buggy buddies, or anything else out of the ordinary. She finds them so interesting and even cute, and tries to convince the other pups on the farm to have a more open mind about insects and other creatures. "Aw but they're... so cute! These ones don't even sting dogs... at least I don't think so...and even if it does, I'm sure it doesn't hurt that bad!" They still screech and run in fear, but it just makes her sigh and shrug. As a pup Peach is a little air headed and has a tendency to ramble like Two-Tone, but she doesn't have a mean bone in her little body. As she grows older, caring for others comes as naturally to her as breathing. Despite the fact she connected more with other creatures than her fellow dogs, she possesses a big, sugar- coated heart that loves to love, and as she grows older finds herself drawn to anyone, no matter the species, who are troubled with innocent intentions to befriend and assist them. She is, however, prone to intense bouts of guilt, these feelings are triggered after when she accidentally hurt one of her bug friends, and they subsequently died. It tore her up inside. She just wanted to help… Why couldn’t she do anything right? Who would want to be friends with a dumpy, ugly murderer? (She can get a little dramatic. She just values all life dog sized or ant sized!) Maybe she’s no better than Cruella herself… she can get a bit terribly distraught and guilty over situations where she feels she hurt someone or something, even if it's not true or a big deal to anyone else. Usually easy going and forgiving of others but critical of herself.


Peach doesn’t remember much of her infancy. One of the very first things she recalls is the baddun brothers hoisting the portly puppy up, staring at her with crooked eyes, debating if their boss would want such an odd spotted dalmatian. They simply shrugged their shoulders and took her anyway; to cruella's mansion to meet an untimely demise. Like all 99 dalmatians captured, she is rescued and adopted by the infamous Pongo and Perdita, whom she is eternally grateful for. She lives out most of her pup hood on the Dearly farm, contentedly running around, making new animal and bug friends! As she grows older, her and one of Pongo and Perdy’s original brood, Rolly, hit it off well. They both have a passion for food and snacks of all kinds (as if their heavy bodies didn’t give it away) and have a strong sense of smell.  After the bug incident Rolly is the one to reassure her of her positive qualities, passion; that she is the purest hearted dog he's ever met. Their bond strengthens and blossoms into deep affection for eachother. They are both adopted by a human in need of truffle hunting dogs. Peach and Rolly live a serene family life, full of love, food, and foster an array of abandoned creatures out of the kindness of their (and their humans') hearts. Her adopted daughters, Olive and Sprinter(she has a ref and updated story in the works) are her pride and joy. She's determined to give them the love and attention they've never had before, despite their flaws, no matter what.