


4 years, 2 months ago


NAME: Moonmaker

GENDER: Female

SPECIES: Nightwing/Leafwing Hybrid

Her father was a nightwing who blew onto the leafwings territory in a storm. He thought that he was flying to the continent from the nightwings' volcano, but he went,, a little off course-
He was found by a leafwing who liked to wander by the shore. She took him back to her home, but the other leafwings cast her out. She went and lived on the coastline in her own hut instead. She eventually had a child (Moonmaker) who also liked wandering the coastline by day. By night, her father would tell her stories of the land across the sea, and all the dangers it posed. She wanted to go there, but her parents forbade it. One night, she was fed up, and snuck out, flying off in the direction she sometimes saw her father gazing out at. Eventually she did reach Pyrihha, luckily.