


7 years, 9 months ago



NAME: Cirino Thefei
AGE: 58 years old
GENDER: Male, transgender.  He/him
RACE: Akalii
BIRTHPLACE: Siath'ir, Southern Kolmar
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Siath'ir, Southern Kolmar
LANGUAGES: Kolmari, Istani
OCCUPATION: Teacher, scholar


HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 184 lbs.

SCARS/DISTINGUISHING MARKINGS: The runes across his left side are technically magical scarring; they're more sensitive to magic, making it easier for him to channel large amounts of magic, what can be a boon or a curse depending on the situation.  


Though Cirino is capable of putting on a polite, reasonable facade, it is just that--a facade.  Underneath the mask, he is jaded and cynical.  He has little faith in other people, often finding himself simply waiting for others to slip up, and to leave him a mess to clean up.  Cirino doesn't have much time for entertaining fools or liars or anything of the sort.  He's very particular about details and is sharp and attentive. 

Making connections with other people isn't really anything he's interested in.  He does his part as a teacher, as some part of him still does genuinely care about the spirit of learning and discovery, and desires to share that with others, but at the same time he does his utmost to keep everyone at arm's length.  In almost everything, he's a very solitary person, much preferring to work alone. 



Cirino was born and raised in Siath'ir, meaning he has been surrounded by magic all his life. Though his parents weren't dedicated mages themselves, being a tailor, a baker and a hunter, they all fully supposed his early forays into learning magic. He took to his studies very easily, and as a result, became a rather arrogant and prideful youth.

The rules and regulations around magic are there for a reason, and Cirino flouted them at almost every turn. He took increasingly greater and greater risks, all in the pursuit of more knowledge and power. It wasn't until the loss of a close friend due to their shared foolishness and an incantation gone horribly wrong did he realize what he was doing. The accident was quickly found out, and he willingly accepted his punishment.

In the years following, he did everything in his power to turn himself around and improve himself, despite how many in the magical community didn't know whether they could trust him. He felt that he had blood on his hands, and that the only way to properly honor and atone for his friend's death was to make sure nobody else made the same mistake they did. It was difficult, given some prejudices against him, but Cirino eventually worked his way up to becoming an Archmage, and enrolled as a teacher in the academies.

In his role as a teacher, he tried to use his prior experiences as a warning to students looking to learn magic, urging them to be careful.  Over the years, however, his words repeatedly fell on deaf, over-confident ears.  Young mages continued to throw either their own lives, or the lives of others, away in ill-fated attempts at power.  It turned him rather jaded, in the end, giving him the thought that perhaps nobody should be able to use magic at all.  A dangerous, questionable endeavor, but one he sees merit in; clearly nobody can handle the dangers of magic, and all would be safer were it simply sealed away. 




  • When he's not prying into the ancient secrets of the world and trying to seal away all magic forever, he tends to enjoy knitting.