Ukobach Strip Naravana



4 years, 5 months ago



Ukobach Strip Naravana


20,000 years old (20)






Dates who ever he likes


Silent, he can easily adapt to changes. Prefers to make plans as his improvs usually go to crap. He's very curious, but he pretends he isnt. Its fairly easy to annoy him, but its almost impossible to get him to snap at you. Affection and love confuses the hell out of him so when he receives it he goes still as a rock while his cheeks get darker (blushing)

Doesn't care much about others, and wont listen to others. Will always try to make things go his way until he cant.


His birth was a bit of a messed up one, though its not surprising since he came from hell. His father, or only parent, gave birth to him after his fathers cousin used a love potion and raped his father.

His father, who only has the rank of a Raddet couldn't give himself abortion, unless he planned to become infected from human sickness and die. So his father gave birth to him, and took care of him with only essentials such giving him food and water, as well as making sure he didn't die.  Not much else then that though, as when he usually looked to his fathers eyes, he had a look of pure hatred.

Once he hit 3,000 years old, his father disappeared. On his own, he learned a lot more then any creature would ever want with out his fathers protection.

As he grew older, his curiosity for things diminished until he was emotionless though hide the emotions of anger, hatred and regret very well.

He got 'jobs' for multiple killings and torture.  He visited a lot of places, such as earth and planets that have wayyyy to long names.

He went to the planet Uvana, have a task to kill a demon who disobeyed the devils order. After he finished the demon off, he decided he could use some time to 'look' around. After setting a house on fire, he quickly met Aural At first he though she was a regular, useless human until the fire he was going to use to blow up a vehicle was blown out. Only thing is is that the wind came from the Teen.

After a interesting circumstance, he now follows along Aura with a nagging feeling in the back of his head that he needs to watch his back.

Significant Other




His Fathers raper rank is Entro, and with his father being a raddet, his rank was put in to Livon.

The 'scar' on his shoulder is actually something he was born with that will leak what ever gas he intends to use at that moment. Most of the time it isnt used, but when hes angered it bursts in to red flames which ends up burning his clothes.

His tail is 'broken' but his tail was like then when he was birthed.

Since his father and his fathers raper are cousins, he got a genetic mutation. when he ever he turns in to his human form, he cant make his top ears disappear, as well as his fangs cant lessen in to a humans looking ones. Another genetic mutation he has is that his skin would have been black but instead its a orange red.