Kailey Orrison



4 years, 4 months ago


Masterlist: https://www.deviantart.com/databasemtt/art/MTT-0415-Kailey-Active-840265610

Name:  Kailey Jinean Orris

Last name meaning: a preparation of the fragrant rootstock of an iris, used in perfume and formerly in medicine.

Nicknames:  Kay, Lee, 

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Species: MTT

Dragon form height: 4’9

Human form height: 6’1

Dragon form weight: 200lbs

Human form weight: 190lbs

Saliva flavor: Jaboticaba Jelly

Birthplace: New York 

Current location: Junction City (upper levels)

Orientation: Heterosexual

Mate: Dating Nemesis


Ara- They both play football for the Junction City High School.






 (anyone else? Feel free to ask! Or smack me if I forgot you. :’D)


Occupation:  Student (Junior at the Junction City High School), Football player  (Tight End), Shot put and discus thrower for track and field, and a  babysitter for the Barclay family. She also helps out at the athletics  club, but that’s mostly with keeping an eye on Lark and Pan when their  mom is busy and needs a break. She also babysits Rosa for Ori.

Tight  End (for those who don’t know): The tight end is often seen as a hybrid  position with the characteristics and roles of both an offensive  lineman (reason why she big) and a wide receiver. Like offensive  linemen, they are usually lined up on the offensive line and are large  enough to be effective blockers. On the other hand, they are eligible  receivers adept enough to warrant a defense's attention when running  pass patterns. (Want more info? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tight_end )


Personality:  She can be boastful at times, but that’s mainly because she knows she  done her job. She can also be slightly cocky; though that only comes out  when she’s playing sports (her father instilled this in her when she  was young so it comes out unintentionally). When she’s not playing  sports she can be one of the kindest and most attentive people you may  ever meet, despite what you’d expect from a “rich girl”. She does,  though, have moments where she can think she’s better than everyone else  because of the way she was brought up, but it tends not to show as much  because she can keep it in check. Though once she realizes it came out  of her mouth she will apologize profusely.

Biography:  Kailey was born in New York to a pro football player and a model, both  very famous. And the fact that they were famous brought the fact that  she was also in the spot light. Though, when she got a little older she  started staying home with her “nanny”/ caretaker. Once she turned 6 her  family moved to Junction City for both her mother and father’s careers.  Her father had been traded to the pro team that represented Junction  City and her mother found more appealing opportunities for fashion with  in the city as well. Kailey was actually quite happy to leave New York  because of the attention she had been getting in her first grade class.  In her new school she was just another student and that rep continued  for her through middle and high school. She is currently plays Tight End  for her school’s football team, the same position her dad plays.



    -          Being Athletic

    -          Pizza and most healthy food

    -          Lark and Pan (pretty much the whole Barclay family)



    -          Being recognized as “famous”

    -          Wearing dresses (mother forces her to entirely against her will)

    -          Girlie things



    -          Is a good swimmer (cross training for football)

    -          Has three dogs and a cat at home

        o       An English Setter Australian Shepard mix (Kailey’s)

        o       A Border Collie Springer Spaniel mix (Kailey’s)

        o       Pit-bull Boxer mix (Dad’s)

        o       Hairless Persian (Mom’s)

    -          Was  forced to go to the Prom her sophomore year in a dress and heels. Heels  obviously were off in a matter of minutes upon arriving at the dance.  She dealt with the dress for the entire night  (hated every second)
    -          Is, obviously, a tomboy
    -          Has a Kink in the end of her tail, more than likely from her dad.
    -          Enjoys Science, more specifically Macrobiology