TBD's Comments

Getting my tablet now! Should have one done in a couple hours ahhh

Ooo I just saw your art and I'm def lookin forward to your drawing of em ^^ If you want I could possibly put it on hold for ya until you finish!

Omg please, that would be ace

I was worried someone would smash something out like a half hour before me lol! 

Consider it done then!! And tbh I was afraid of that happening too hHSNS



sorry the hair colours are a bit jank really need to practice with their hair omg

AAA?? OMGGG YOU DID SUCH A GOOD JOB i think the hair looks neat!! i'll transfer it rn ^v^

1 Replies

aaa are they actually free?? if so, i wouldnt mind adoptin them qwq you can also check my acc if theres any characters you like in case you'd rather a trade!

Oh! That's sweet of ya. Yeah, I've had a hard time gettin rid of this design. If you send me somethin I'll just accept it as transfer trade and this dude's all yours ! :> 

Ooo okay!! I'll quickly try n see if there's a design that fits your preferences (n if not i'll really just toss a random one-)

Sounds like a plan! 0vv0