Eleri Vermisst



4 years, 3 days ago

Basic Info

Name Meaning

Missing River


Adrestian Empire


Minor Crest of Macuil


Wyvern Moon (October) 9th

Starting Class


Ending Class

Wyvern Lord


--> Vain, stubborn, prideful
-->Honest, gentle, patient

--> Loves to dress in pinks and flowers and lace but loathes to present herself as a 'proper young lady' who averts from labor and physical activity. She refuses to yield to her family's demands to 'train to be a good nobleman's wife' and to 'consider what other nobels might say'. Though she wears frills and lace, she makes a point to never wear anything that could be seen as a dress or skirt and does not shy from getting her clothes filthy.

--> Her family would not let her learn to wield a weapon, so when she entered into the Academy she took to the spear and grew aspirations to become a Wyvern rider. (She was encouraged by Edelgard to  do so and who was she to deny the princess?)

--> She can use 1 spell and it's Fimbulvetr. She learned it first and only that in order to skip mage lessons at home. She is garbage at magic.

--> Engaged as a child to Hubert von Vestra. Neither of them particularly like this fact however, they get along fairly amicably otherwise. Hubert often kept tabs on her if for no reason other than 'to ensure nothing bad reflects on me and lady Edelgard'. (Later she would discover why else he would keep tabs on her).

--> Born to House Vermisst, she was the 4th child but the only one with a crest.

--> Those Who Slither in the Dark were responsible for the creation of the minor crest of Macuil. It was created after the war via blood magic but was however unstable. As such, House Vermisst has always been deeply involved with them, though Eleri remained unaware until just before Edelgard's coup...

---> She learned the truth from Hubert after she confronted him over his sneaking around and hiding Edelgard's 'random' disappearances. He did not kill her because he already knew she was ignorant and offered her the choice of either helping Edelgard reform Fodlan, or, leave, because if she stood against Edelgard, he would in fact kill her.

----> After discovering the origins of her crest and how her bloodline was a product of a plot to control the people of Fodlan from the shadows, she chose in the moment to turn on the Church and directly aid Edelgard (and Hubert). Later in life, she would ask if Hubert had planned for it, knowing her pride and her sense of justice. He would in fact confirm that he did in fact, expect her to defect and join Edelgard's cause that day she confronted him and learned the truth.

--> At the Academy she grew close to Linhardt because she was genuinely curious about her crest, and he was a lot more upfront with her than Hanneman. She also liked his willingness to accept her want to break free of her house and it's expectations.

--> At her time in the Academy, Rhea, Seteth and Flayn all treated her with a certain distaste, and she did not know why, (until the truth of her crest became known).

--> Post War, Linhardt expressed interest once more in trying to unlock the secrets of her crest, and perhaps, how to remove one's crest entirely. Eleri offhandedly joked with how often Linhardt wished to test her and examine her crest that he ought to just marry her. Without missing a beat, he produced a ring from his coat on the spot and confessed he planned to later that day.

--> In the end Eleri and Linhardt left to parts unknown, traveling and periodically sending letters and research notes and studies back to Edelgard directly and neither trusted anyone else to handle that which they knew and learned.

--> In AU, if she were to have been recruited to the Golden Deer and taken on Paralogue 'The Sleeping Sand Legend' Maciul would target her and ignore all other on map enemies until she was killed, calling her 'little theif'. 

--> In AU if in Azure Moon or Silver Snow, Flayn and Seteth would regularly lament how Eleri's crest as a forgery and not in fact a 'true' crest of Macuil.

'Post Game':
-CF: She and Lin have several children. With TWSITD no longer cotrolling the Vermisst line, the Macuil creststone ultimately dies with Eleri.

-Violet (eldest), who gains a Minor crest of Cethleann. She follows in her father's footsteps as a crest researcher.  
-Lily, Second born, she is the only one without a crest, and while this troubles her, her mother would later explain her own crest, and why perhaps of all their children, her being without one is perhaps for the better. She eventually would be sent by her request to train under Caspar and Petra in Brigid.
-Rose, Minor crest of Cethleann. She chose to not peruse acedemia but rather more womanly arts- while she is a skilled healer, she is better suited to domesticity and running a house.
-Willow, Minor crest of Cethleann. Taking after her mother, she becomes a wyvern rider who specializes in spears as well. Sadly inherited her fathers propensity towards naps.
-Edelweiss, Minor crest of Cethleann. Trains and becomes a dark knight with a knack for fire magic, much to the ire of her siblings.
-Leif (Youngest and only son), Major crest of Cethleann. Idolizes Hubert and eventually would go to study under him, becoming a Dark Bishop like him and his father. (Later, he would change his focus and become a Bishop) Very dry sense of humor and quick witted. 

-They regularly have 'reading hour' which is quiet family bonding time where everyone gets together and reads something that interests them.
-Family naps are common and it was not unusual to find Lindhardt napping with one of his children tucked into his side.
-All the girls mother and tease Leif endlessly, and in fact say that if anyone wants to marry him, its his sisters the person would have to worry over.
-Lindhardt and Eleri have a very passive approach to parenting, allowing their children to be reckless and make mistakes and get hurt because of it- but not without them nearby to make sure they were never in real danger or harm. Lindhardt is especially good with them as children ask many questions- which just delights him and his own thirst for knowledge.