


4 years, 1 month ago


Andrea Delfan Caedman

On-dray Del-fon Cayd-man

General Information

Age: 27

Birthday: August 23rd 

Gender:(Fe)Male; hiding her true gender.

Ethnicity: Italian-English 


Orientation: Asexual

Relationship Status: Married to her work

Family & Friends

Mother: Daelah Caedman  :: Deceased

Father: Bryrdan "Danny" Delfan :: Deceased, Murdered


Hair Colour: Beige 

Eye Colour: Olive Green

Build: Lean and wiry, she's built like a runner or a gymnist.

Height: 6' 5"

Clothing: Trench coat and fedora; Trousers, suit, and vest(hides a corset she wears to bind her chest)

Noticable Features: 

Acessories: Koban charm on hat, 



Determined, Dominant, Persevering, Practical, Willful, Introvert, Worrier, Empathetic, Careful, Honest, Loyal. 
Accent/Vernacular: She has a very faint Italian accent when not trying to cover it. She's handy with mimicry however. The default is usually a Brooklyn accent mingled with British nuances.

+ Italian food
+ Working
+ Wandering the city streets

+ Silver trinkets

+ Her father
- Boredom
- Injustice

- Bullies
- Anti-Feminists, or anyone who belittles women

Career Path

Job: Law Enforcement
AKA: Kitten, Tiger, Scratch 
Current Position: Detective
Weapons:a Beretta Cougar, her father's Colt Hammerless, a pair of brass knuckles(rarely with her), and two clasp knives

Pokemon Stats

Species:<da:thumb id="436795936">Meowth
Lvl 30
Alert {to sounds}
Ability: Technician: Increases the base power of all moves which have a base power of 60 or less by 1.5×.
Type: :iconnormaltypeplz:


Fighting style:
:icondarktypeplz: Faint Attack: Andrea moves at such a speed she seems to disappear. Flitting between the shadows to close the distance with foes before striking at weak/pressure points.

Can be used to infiltrate areas as it would take a keen eye, and perhaps freeze-frame technology, to catch her movements while using the move.
:iconnormaltypeplz: Pay Day: Unarmed this summons a barrage of coins at Andrea's whim, which are shot at the opponent. When armed though the coins appear as cartridges for her gun, and are again shot at foes to deal damage.
:iconflyingtypeplz: Aerial Ace: Andrea moves quickly, utilizing parkour and gymnastic maneuvers to get above her foes before dropping onto them with her claws or blades. Utilizing pressure points and gravity to deliver a crippling blow to the unfortunate opponent.

:iconghosttypeplz: Shadow Claw: Uses either her blades or her claws, coated in a black and purple aura, to strike at foes. This can be used as a ranged attack "throwing" or even shooting the energy at foes, but it is less effective this way. 


Just bullets for now, gotta get some sleep^^"

 Raised by her father, a detective himself

 From the very start he treated her more like a son than a daughter.

 Her father was shot during a case, leaving Andrea alone(15-ish)

 She was sent to an orphanage, where the matron tried to forcibly re-train her to be a young woman.

 Eventually escaped, cut her hair short, and applied for a position in police training under her mother's maiden name.

 Eventually was accepted onto the detective force.

 Re-united with some of her/her father's partner's and friends on the force.

 Is privately investigating her father's murder(which is why she uses Caedman rather than Delfan as her surname presently)


Theme song(s):I'm back - John Siegler,