Momtato (Prin Prin)



7 years, 6 months ago


This is my lala from Final Fantasy XIV! 

I mostly put her here for using emotes but I'd like to collect all the art of here here too - and since some of it is super awesome so I switched it to public.



Prin is a pretty positive potato on the surface. She is unwavering when it comes to her friends and protecting them, both physically and emotionally. Underneath is a retrospective worrier, always thinking about how she could have done things better. She will spend many nights up on the roof thinking about all manner of things. Despite this, she always pushes her own issues aside to make time for those around her. Dubbed "momtato," she looks after everyone around her and will provide all she can, from an ear or shoulder to a sword and shield if necessary. She helps when she can with no hesitation, finding comfort and purpose in helping those around her.

Prin is reasonably handy. She cant do anything large or spectacular, but she can sew minor holes in things and fix other miscellaneous things. Her true strength lies in cooking, and even moreso in baking. Cakes, cookies, bread- anything that can be a sweet treat is right up her alley. Friends will often find themselves munching on sweets when they visit her, as she has a near endless and constant supply at all times. No doubt another effect of her motherly nature....and her gluttonous nature that she refuses to acknowledge.

She handles social situations about as well as she has to. She puts on a good face and manages conversation as well as she is able, but will often skedaddle as soon as it is acceptable to do so. She is far more comfortable with small groups of her close friends than large groups of strangers. For a very brief time she enjoyed drinking to handle those types of situations, but after a particular incident she decided to stop forever. She tries not to even speak of it, and is unafraid to actually stab anyone who tries to bring it up. Even Keir is unaware of what happened, and he regrets asking a second time.

Despite being motherly, she isnt good at all with children. She is much better with animals, being a friend to almost all animals she comes across- except for a certain species of bird that she will not go anywhere near that often attack her on sight. Her extreme fear of them suggests something tragic happened while she was young. When asked why they attack her, the only conclusion she has come to is that its because she looks like a cabbage from above- which is one reason why she has a tendency to never be seen without a hat.

In her downtime she likes to keep a journal of her travels, along with one full of recipes. She tries all kinds of things in her baking, and the best things get written down in her journal. She will never admit to some of her food crimes in the name of experimentation. She also enjoys reading as inspiration for how she hopes to write her autobiography of her adventures. She trades books with Lyra and Feyra often, and loves to discuss her favorite characters with them.